Chapter Six

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  Jimin woke up early, Taehyung had already left for work hours before, leaving a purple sticky note on the bathroom mirror.


  Jimin smiled at the sweet note Taehyung gave him, and got dressed to go shopping. He got in the car and pulled down his shades, he was excited to buy some new things for their house, and maybe something for Taehyung too.  He turned on the music, and pulled out of their gated drive way. As the automatic gates closed, Jimin could help missing Taehyung already.

  But that didn't spoil the fact that Jimin was going shopping! After weeks of packing and over working himself, Jimin was finally able to spread his wings.  "Caught in a liiiie!~" He sung one of his favorite songs as he made his way into the busy mall parking lot. Jimin was so happy to be out of the house, but sad that Taehyung couldn't be with him to help him pick out stuff.

He shook off the sudden sadness, and happily went into the mall. He looked around at what store he wanted to shop at first, "Hmm, where do I go first? Clothes? Or stuff?"  He thought for a second about what was more important. "Clothes." He chimed and went to one of the many Vucci stores in the mall. Vucci wasn't the only clothing brand Jimin wore, it's jus the fact that Taehyung literally owns Vucci, and he likes his style.

  The employees immediately recognized Jimin as he walked threw the door, "Hey Mr. Park!" Hana, one of the sweet employees bounced over to Jimin. She is a huge fan of Jimin's music, and she wasn't afraid to show it. "Hey Hana." Jimin smiled brightly, showing love to his fan.  "How are you today?" She smiled, he cheeks blushing pink. "It's going great so far, I'm just doing some shopping." He kept the smile on his face. "Well, if you need anything, you know where I am." She chirped, "Thank you." Jimin said, and Hana turned and walked back to the cash register. Jimin walked around, looking at all the familiar clothing he saw in Taehyung's sketch book.  His heart warmed to see all of Taehyung's hard work come to life. 

Jimin picked out a few colorful jackets, and beanies that Taehyung called Jimies instead of beanies. Jimin loves the fact that Taehyung names some of his clothes after him, it means that Taehyung literally thinks about him all day.. Even at work.

  "Will that be all for you Mr. Park?" Hana looked up at Jimin. "Yes that would be it." Jimin said getting out his card. "Okay, that'll be $456.87."  Hana smiled and Jimin handed her his card. "Thank you, have a nice day." Jimin smiled. "You too!" She waved.

Jimin walked around the mall some more shopping at many stores, he had to get Taehyung something before he left, so he searched the mall for the perfect present for Taehyung.

He was walking by a toy store and almost had a heart attack, "OH MY GOD!" He gasped, he looked into the window to see the biggest stuffed lion he's ever seen. "It has Taehyung's name all over it!" He said to himself. He immediately rushed into the store and bought the lion. It was as tall as Jimin, soft, fluffy, and oh so comfy. "Taehyung will love this!"

  Jimin sat in the food cort eating the first thing he had ate since this morning, he was day dreaming of Taehyung. Heat rose to his cheeks, a sudden tingle lingered on his lips from where Taehyung likes to bite. He took a long sip of his coke to sooth his dry throat, and continued to day dream of Taehyung.


Jimin swore he heard Taehyung's voice, so deep and husky... Sexy. he licked his lips.


His voice sounded more like a question now for some reason.


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