Author's note

831 27 26

Hi everyone, it's me!

I just want to check on you guys... I'm really worried about this virus going around.

I just want you guys to stay safe and healthy, I've had several panic attacks because I have  a little brother and sister, they get sick very easily. I'm just really anxious and worried about everyone... Just keep the families in your prayers, or thoughts...

Everyone please stay safe and sound, I'd hate for any of you to get sick. My heart hurts to think about it.  I feel so helpless because I can't do anything to protect you guys from this, and I can't protect my family either... You guys are honestly the reason why I'm still writing this book and continuing the next. I mean... I thought that this was just going to be like a small stomach bug- or something- but there's literally no food on the shelves and there's ten people living in my house right now... *sigh* My anxiety can't really take much more of this shit to be honest guys. my mental health was depleting before, but now it's just spiraling out of control. And no one will help me. When I have a break down, it's like it's no big deal she'll get over it- but I'm almost to my last straw and Corona isn't helping on top of all the shit going on in my head.

So please... stay safe guys. I love you all so much.

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