Chapter Sixteen

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"Okay what all do we need for the pool party?" Jungkook sat on the counter and smiled at Jimin.

"Hmm.... Well, we'll definatly need food and drinks, I got a professional DJ coming, I ordered ridiculously large floaties just because, and some friends of Tae's are coming so we need extra of everything." Jimin scribbled down on a list.

"Ah, well I guess me and you are going shopping then?" Jungkook hopped off the counter.

"Yep it looks like it," Jimin grabbed his keys.

"Uh... Excuse me Mr.Kim?" Minho peeked his head in the door as Taehyung was stitching together a new design.

"Hmm?" Taehyung's eyes didn't leave his master piece.

"Uhm, about this year's tour, will you be able to make it this year?" Minho adjusted the things cluttering his arms.

"I don't know." Taehyung said putting a needle through zebra printed cloth.

"Well the staff were wondering, since you missed last year do to your grandmother." Minho said opening the office door.

"I will let you know Minho, so can you leave me be? I'm trying to concentrate." Taehyung looked at his assistant with a irritated look.

"Oh, yes sir my apolozies." He gave Taehyung a curt bow and quickly left the room.

"Should I go this year? Jimin could come with me..."

Taehyung was thinking out loud.

"Awww~ Look Jimmie!!" Jungkook pointed to all the cute floaties on the shelves.

"We only came here for food Kookie, I'm gonna pick up the floaties tommorrow." Jimin said walking down to the food aisle.

Jungkook jogged to catch up with Jimin.

"So the DJ, who is it?" Jungkook stood on the front of the cart like a child.

"Gah! Get off the buggy!" Jimin thumped Jungkook on his forehead. Jungkook hopped off the buggy showing off his bunny smile.

"Hand me those hot dogs." Jimin pointed to the hot dogs and Jungkook tossed them in the buggy.

They went around the store, buying different things they might need for the party.

And when the cashiser showed Jimin the price for all their goods, he just hoped Taehyung would forgive him.

"So how was your shopping with Kookie huh?" Taehyung played with Jimin's hair as they laid together after their shower.

"It was good, I can't wait for the party!" Jimin chirped.

Taehyung smiled, "Neither can I."

Buy let's be real.... Taehyung was dreeding everyone agonizing moment he had to see Yoongi's face.... Now he's gonna be shirtless in front of Jimin.

"Are you gonna cook the burgers?" Jimin snuggled closer to Taehyung listening to his pounding heart.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be the BBQ master tomorrow baby." He nuzzled his face next to Jimin's, getting a cute smile out of him.

"I hope that you won't mind that I invited Jackson and the rest of his friends?" Taehyung looked down at his little mochi.

"Of course not, I love Jackson, and BamBam is gonna be the DJ anyway."  Jimin smiled at Taehyung, the way Jimin's eyes disappear when he smiled, made Taehyung's heart warm.

"Oh~ So you love Jackson eh?" Taehyung pouted and turnes over, he was only toying with his lover.

"Yaah!!! TaeTae!" Jimin groaned and crawled on top of him.

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