Chapter Seven

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    Taehyung bought Jimin a box of chocolate before he got home, but he was shocked when he pulled into his driveway to see a Porsche parked right behind Jimin's Lamborghini. I wonder who's here? Taehyung wondered as he stepped out the car.  He hurried inside with the chocolate box.

"Jimin? I'm home, who's-"

  Jimin and Yoongi both turned their heads from the table. "Taehyungie!" Jimin lit up and ran over to Taehyung, wrapping him in a tight hug. But Taehyung had his eyes on the dark looking blonde sitting in his spot at the table. Yoongi did smile at him, he just gave Taehyung a dark horrifying look that rattled Taehyung's insides.

"You aren't going to believe who I bumped into today!" Jimin pulled away from Taehyung and walked over to Yoongi. "Taehyung this is Yoongi, Yoongi this is my boyfriend Taehyung." Jimin stood between Taehyung and Yoongi. "Nice to meet you," Taehyung stuck out his hand to Yoongi, Yoongi just looked at Taehyung and then at his hand. "Nice to meet you too, Taehyung," Yoongi said Taehyung's name like he was tasting it, finally shaking his hand with a death like grip.

  "Uh Jimin, I got you this today," Taehyung handed Jimin the box of chocolate. Jimin smiled, "Aww! Thank you Taehyungie!" Jimin kissed his cheek.  "I'll show you what I got you when we go up stairs." Jimin said with a cute smile.  "Such a cute couple." Yoongi said standing up, "I really should be going," Yoongi smiled at Jimin. "Aww.." Jimin pouted, "I wanted you to stay for supper." Jimin pulled away from Taehyung, leaving him shocked. "Nah, I need to get back, my manager is probably having a pissy fit that I'm not back yet." Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. "well okay, but you can come over anytime you want."  Jimin had a sad look on his face, "You bet, Jimmie."

  He just called Jimin Jimmie...I only call him Jimmie. Taehyung said to himself, then he suddenly got curious about who this Min Yoongi really was.
"So who was that Jimmie," Taehyung walked over to the sink and got a glass of water. "He's an old friend I guess you can say." Taehyung almost choked on air at Jimin's answer. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung put the glass down.

  It was a long silence before Jimin could speak,  "He was my first boyfriend."  Jimin looked over at Taehyung, his eyebrows were raised high, and his face was anything but pleasant. "WHAT!?"  It was like the flood gates opened on Taehyung's anger. "Calm down, he just wanted to talk, we haven't seen each other in years!" Jimin pouted. "But he's your ex! In our house, when I'm not here!"  Taehyung wasn't angry at Jimin... Not on purpose at least.

"Taehyung," Jimin said in a serious voice. "I'd never do anything with anyone else... I love you." Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung's neck and kissed him. "I'm sorry if I made you angry, it's just Yoongi was a good guy, he went to jail over me once." Jimin's eyes were sparkling. "Congratulations, you met your delinquent ex, that makes me feel so much better." Taehyung rolled his eyes, Jimin looked angry now. "Tae, I'm not going to do anything to put our relationship in danger..."

  "I know, I just didn't like the look in his eyes."  Taehyung rested his chin on Jimin's head. "Just trust me Tae."  Taehyung pulled away and kissed his fluffy little cloud. "I do." Jimin smiled, and hugged Taehyung. "I have to get supper started." Jimin said, getting a frying pan out. "So what was your and Yoongi's relationship like?" Taehyung carefully asked Jimin.

"Well, we met in junior high, we were friend at first, but one day Yoongi just... Kissed me out of the blue." Taehyung's heart crumbled the way Jimin said that. "Go on,"  Taehyung took a sip of water. "He helped me with my depression, and when we were together the bullies didn't even think about messing with me, he broke a guys jaw over me...." Jimin thoughtlessly smiled as he staring into the sink. "So, you liked bad boys back then eh?" Taehyung laughed, trying not to noticed the spark in Jimin's eyes. "Yeah," Jimin blushed. "So, why'd you break up?"  Taehyung asked hugging Jimin from behind. "Technically, we never did."  Taehyung's heart couldn't take this, "What? How?"  Jimin turned around and looked into Taehyung's eyes, he saw the hurt in them. "When he went to jail, he was sentenced for five years, for assault with intent to kill."  Taehyung  couldn't believe Jimin was with someone so dangerous in junior high.  "Damn.." Taehyung said out loud.  "My parents thought that we should move so I'd have a new start, so I could forget about Yoongi, because I was depressed. Like really depressed, I didn't eat or sleep for days..." Jimin   looked away from Taehyung.

  "He meant a lot to you didn't he?" Taehyung hugged Jimin as he nodded. "I wanted to die..." Hearing that come out of Jimin's mouth... made Taehyung want to crawl into the deepest, darkest hole and die too. "But," Jimin perked up. "I met you, and you made me feel soooo much better! And I fell in love with you, and I'd do over and over again!"  Jimin smiled, and Taehyung felt better as well.

He smiled as he watched Jimin cook, this little bit of happiness Taehyung had... This pink haired, adorable, fluffy cloud of a human...Made Taehyung so happy.

  "How much do you want Tae?" Jimin turned to Taehyung, "Just a few scoops babe." Taehyung stood up and got his plate. "Thanks babe." he gave Jimin a kiss. "No problem."


  After they ate, they both walked up stairs, Jimin stuck his arm out before they reached the door, stopping Taehyung in his tracks. "What is it?" Taehyung smiled. "Your present is in there." Jimin giggled, "Close your eyes." Taehyung bit his lip. "Fine." He sealed his eyes shut, and Jimin led Taehyung into the room. "Open!" Hearing Jimin's high pitched voice, Taehyung opened his eyes to see the biggest lion he's ever seen, and Jimin smiling next to it. "You didn't!" Taehyung's smile couldn't be washed off his face.  He rushed over to his side of the bed and hugged the the stuffed lion with all of his might. "Jimmie! I love it!" Taehyung beamed at Jimin, and Jimin kissed Taehyung.  Their mouths moved together perfectly. And suddenly Taehyung got really turned on by Jimin grabbing his shirt collar and yanking him closer. "What's gotten into you Jimmie?" Taehyung smirked. Jimin straddled his hips. "Nothing Tae Tae."

  Jimin started to unbutton Taehyung's shirt, and Taehyung leaned up and kissed him, grabbing his hands, Taehyung pinned Jimin down. Still kissing him, Taehyung took off his shirt, and threw it somewhere in the room. Then, Taehyung began to strip Jimin, Jimin's red cheeks made him look even more irresistible. Taehyung left a trail of kisses down Jimin's chest and stomach, Jimin letting out breathy moans. Taehyung couldn't take it anymore, so he began to thrust into Jimin. Jimin let out a loud moan biting his thick lips, and Taehyung rolled his hips, sending flows of pleasure into Jimin. "Tae..." Jimin moaned into Taehyung's ear.  Taehyung moaned along with Jimin, Jimin could feel Taehyung throbbing inside of him, and it made him drool. "Tae harder." Jimin clinched to Taehyung's back. Taehyung obeyed Jimin's demand and thrusted harder.

Jimin moaned louder, he gripped the sheets as his toes curled.  Taehyung's damp bangs brushed against Jimin's face, and Jimin's warm breath skimmed over Taehyung's neck, leaving chills. "Jimmie."  Taehyung kissed him slowly, catching his breath. Jimin gripped hand fulls of Taehyung' s dark hair, and pulled him closer. Taehyung began to thrust again, Jimin threw his head back, giving Taehyung access to his neck. Taehyung showered Jimin's neck in kisses.  "Fuck Taehyung!" Jimin moaned, as Jimin did that Taehyung came, and fell on Jimin. They were both trying to catch their breath. "I love you Tae."

  "I love you too Jimmie."

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