Chapter 46

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  Hoseok's hearing faded as he realized his sister was gone. The chants echoed in his brain bouncing back and forth. He trembled as he stared at the empty bar where his sister should be.

"No... No... NO!"  His mind ran in circles as he sprinted out the front door and into the rain.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and screamed to the top of his lungs.

"SU!" Tears streamed down his wet face as the rain beat down on him. His bangs were plastered to his face. "SU!" He screamed again as lightning split the sky open and thunder roared across the city.

His heart was clenching in his chest.

"They took her..." He growled," because of me." He fell on his knees and clenched his fist in the muddy ground.

"Su.." He said as he let out small sobs. "This is all my fault..." He whimpered and covered his face in his sleeve.

Suddenly headlights beamed into Hoseok's eyes. He raised his hand to block the blinding florescent light, but the light got brighter causing him to seal his eyes shut.

Then suddenly a van was upon him, headed straight for him. Hoseok tried to run away but slipped and fell face first in the mud.

"Ah- shit!" He scurried to get up, but two larger men were grabbing his feet and dragging him into the van.

"NO PLEASE NO! I'LL GET THE MONEY I SWEAR!" Hoseok screeched and drug his nails into the slippery black mud.

He thrashed and threw himself about trying to escape. But the larger men dressed in all black were much stronger than Hoseok's lanky self.


He screamed again, his throat going raw from the ocave.

Agust D came out of the hideout, hearing the comotion. He saw the figures in the night and then realized it was Hoseok beging drug away.

"J!" Agust D yelled as he started running towards the van. The two men saw him running and picked Hoseok up, throwing him in the van with a loud bang of flesh on metal.

"AGUST HELP ME!" He reached out trying to get out before the door was slammed. The last thing he saw was the absolute horror on Agust D's face before his entire world went blank....

"Holy shit- what the- WHAT THE FUCK?" Agust D paced back and forth as the rain let up, small droplets cascaded down his face. He was shocked at what just happened.

He carded his hands through his platinum blonde hair and drung his hands down his face.

"I can't believe J got kidnapped..." He bit the inside of his cheek in thought.

The gangster in him told him to:

"Go after him you fucking pussy."

But the rational side of him told him to:

  "Call the cops, let them handle it.."

He decided to go with what his gangster was telling him...

So Agust D got in his slick black car and sped off, following the muddy trail the van left behind.

He wasn't going to let theses guys get away with kidnapping. He might be an asshole... But Agust D isn't that much of an asshole....


Hoseok woke up in a dimly lit room. His hands had been bond behind him with chains and he was blind folded and placed on his knees. He felt like he'd been beat, several aches and pains scrotched his nerves as he breathed shallowly.

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