Chapter Twenty Three

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After a long night of delicious food, and more annyoing actors... Taehyung finally dragged Jimin back to their room.... 🔞🔞🔞😈😈😈

Tonight was the last night Taehyung would get to touch his baby.... Then he'd have to spend three more agonising months without his soft little mochi with him....

It made his heart break all over again....

Taehyung had Jimin wrapped up in his arms, placing soft kisses on the blonde's shoulder and neck.

"Yah..." Jimin yawned, "You should get some sleep Taehyungie...  You have an early flight in the morning." Jimin turned towards him with a cute smile.

Taehyung sighed....

"I don't wanna leave yet.." He whined.

"I don't want you to either.... But you wouldn't like staying here with me right now." Jimin cupped Taehyung's face and squished it together.

He let out a cute, girlish giggle.

It made Taehyung's heart melt.

"How'd Hoseok and Jungkook manage to get back to the room?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't even wanna know... Those drunk, chicken nugget stealing, bastards probably flew, but who knows?"
Jimin said with a dark tone.

"You're still not over the chicken nuggets?" Taehyung giggled.

"No!" Jimin pouted...

Meanwhile...... In the next room over...

"Damn it Jungkook!!! Don't pee in the fucking flower pot- Hoseok no don't try to fly out the window you dumb ass you're not an airplane!!!!!

*Taehyung and Jimin heard this from Yoongi's room*

"We won't be getting much sleep tonight...."

"Jungkook I swear to god!!!"


"I was so glad you guys could make it." Jimin hugged Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok.

"I'm glad I came, I had fun... For a minute there." He sent a death glare to the to hungover boys.

"Yeah..  Me too." Jungkook tried the smile.


Aaaannnd Hoseok wasn't able to make full sentences.... Moving on...

"I'm gonna miss you Jimin..." Taehyung said pulling Jimin closer to him as the others made their way to the plane."I'm gonna miss you too baby."

Jimin gave him a long sloppy kiss.

"Hey! Taehyung! Come on you can suck face later!!!" Yoongi called from the gate.

He rolled his eyes and smiled at Jimin, "Love you Jiminie..." Taehyung put his forhead to Jimin's.... "Love you too Taehyungie."

"Break a leg." He teased before walking to catch up with the others.

Jimin waved from the lobby.

He let out a sigh and went back to the slick limo.

As soon as he got in the car his phone rang.


"Hey, Jimin Chan here, look plans have changed, we have diecided to move next weeks rehearsal to today? Are you able to swing by the studio for a few hours."

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