•dating sodapop curtis includes•

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•soda cries

•soda cries A LOT

•but he has a lot to cry about

•it's usually about his parents or darry and pony not getting along

•you just let him lay his head in your lap while you play with his hair and let him cry it out

•getting jealous when girls flirt with soda at the dx

•and when soda doesn't acknowledge how upset you are you and steve start flirting with each other

•steve doesn't like you and you don't like him, at least not that way, he just knew that you didn't like the girls flirting with soda and you wanted his attention

•and this was a good way to get it

•soda would usually get mad and kiss you in front of Steve

•you guys never went to the movies to watch movies ;)

•you guys went to make fun of socs duh, what else did you think?

•you have been best friends with the Curtis brothers since birth 

• being next-door neighbors

•pony thought of you as an older sister and darry thought of you as a little sister, but soda obviously didn't think of you as either

•sometimes soda would ask pony to sleep
on the couch

•to which pony would say "ew"

•but he always would sleep on the couch if soda asked

•soda loooooooooves nose kisses

•he thinks they are cute

•just like you

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