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sadie let out another whine as she laid lazily by the front door. she had been depressed ever since johnny and pony ran away. we all had, but for sadie it was much worse.

sadie loved johnny with all her puppy dog heart. everyday at a certain time johnny would hide somewhere in the house and let sadie find
him. she would sniff him out and always attack him with licks once she found him. (sadie, don't l-kiss my man only i can do that ;)

"sadie, it's okay!" i tried to sound cheerful and i laid next to her on the floor. i pet her head and she let out a quieter whimper.

she had been searching over and over for johnny in the house, but she never found him. she never found pony either. he was the one who saved her from the streets when she was a puppy.

me and him had teamed up and begged darry until he finally caved in. this dog was the gangs dog, she stayed with all of us at times. she sometimes stayed with johnny in the lot, and she occasionally followed us to school.

she hadn't really been eating either, so she was even more sluggish. everyday at the time that johnny would usually come through the door she would stand there, her tail between her legs for hours.

they hadn't come home though, all week they hadn't come home. i kissed her nose and got up off the ground and sat next to steve on the couch.

she left her spot next to the door and laid next to two-bit on the ground. "cheer up butter cup, they'll be home soon," he scratched behind her ears and she looked up at him glumly.

"has anyone seen dally lately?" soda asked watching two-bit and sadie.

right on cue the phone rang and darry picked it up. "pony?" he asked and sadie and the rest of us perked up.

"yeah, we'll be there hold on," he said and he hung up and grabbed the car keys while explaining that pony, johnny and dally were at the hospital.

"how's sadie?" johnny asked me. i was sitting next to his bed and holding his hand, jut keeping him company.

"she misses you, big time," i smiled,"she hasn't stopped looking for you and pony since you left."

"you think she could come here?" he asked hopefully.

"maybe," i said. i knew there was no way that they would allow a dog in here.

dally walked through the door unannounced and made me jump. "what are we talking about," he asked sitting on the other side of johnny's bed. i noticed he had a backpack on.

"sadie," i informed him.

"yeah, i wanna see her," johnny complained.

dally set the backpack next to johnnyand carefully unzipped it. a familiar dog head popped out making johnny cheer.

sadie's ear perked up big time and i just knew her tail was wagging crazily. she started scrambling trying to get out of the bag. dally was laughing and try to help her out at the sam time.

once she got out she climbed all over Johnny and started licking his face all over. he was laughing and she was whining, this time with happiness instead of sadness.

"she missed you," i laughed letting go of johnny's hand so that he could pet her with both hands instead of one.

the nurses didn't kick her out, they let her stay. they would've had dally to deal with if they didn't let her stay.

it was almost cruel to sadie for dally to bring her, it was like teasing her. letting her see the thing she loved most before he got ripped away from her for a few more years until she could join him again.

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