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"give me a w!" i yelled at the crowd.

a few people chanted back at me.

"give me a i!"

a few more people joined.

"give me a n!"

almost everyone had joined by now.

my cheer squad yelled our chant and then a few of us did a backflip, me included. we cheered and waved at the crowd before running off the track. this was a routine for us cheerleaders, it got boring after awhile and practices were hard but i loved cheering on the athletes.

we were cheering at a track meet right now and one of my close friends, ponyboy curtis, was competing tonight. i was about two years older than him and i liked to pick on him calling him "smarty pants" or "kiddo",he sometimes called me "mom" because of our age difference.

i was standing on the edge of the track smiling and blowing him a kiss, he smiled and waved back.

"HEY PONYBOY IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" someone yelled from the stands.

pony's face turned beet red and i looked up in the stands to see who yelled that, it was a guy in a sleeveless jean jacket. he had an arm tattoo and a mean look worn on his face. i smiled and waved at him, at he laughed and waved back then whispered something in the guy standing next to him.

i frowned, i hoped they weren't talking bad about me. the guy standing next to him walked down the stairs of the stands and walked to the side of the track i was on.

he walked over to me and introduced himself,"sodapop."

"sophia" i said shaking his hand and giving him a big smile.

"are you ponys girlfriend?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

i shook my head and chuckled,"no just a friend, your his brother right?"

he nodded,"hey you can get across the track to give him this right?"

he handed me a water bottle and i shook my head,"no i'm not allowed across the track, nobody is at a track meet besides the runners. but hey! i can throw it to him!"

soda stared at me and i yelled pony's name. pony looked at me from across the track, he was pretty far but if i threw hard enough i could make it.

"catch!" i yelled then i held the water bottle like a football and threw it as far as i could.

luckily he caught it.

"jesus, you should try out for football," soda laughed.

"haha, no way, i'd get killed on the field," i said, he was kinda cute. i could definitely see the similarities between him and ponyboy.

"hey you wanna stay down here with me? it's a better view of the runners," i offered.

he shrugged,"why not?"

the cheerleaders always sat on the edge of the track and cheered on the runners, at sat by soda. we could have a plus one down with us most of the girls brought their boyfriends but i didn't have one, so that's why soda sat with me.

i got know him while we were sitting together.

"hey um i was wondering if you-"

"GO PONY!" i yelled,"sorry what were you saying?"

he laughed and asked me,"would you like to go on a date?"

"sure!" i said not taking my eyes off the runner,"when?"

"tomorrow? 5:00?" he suggested.

"sounds good to me!" i exclaimed excited as pony ran past the finish line.

after he finished all his runs he walked over to me and soda and gave me a sweaty hug.

"ew kiddo you stink," i said and then he rubbed his sweaty face on my shoulder.

i fake gagged and then playfully punched his arm, he smiled and laughed at me.

a bunch of boys came running down to the track hollering and yelling at pony. once the got to him the guy, who seemed to be the oldest  picked him up and threw him over his shoulder.

i started laughing at all of them, once pony was set down he introduced me to his gang.

a few months later, after a few dates soda asked me to be his girlfriend.

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