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(So this is a part two-ish of the jumped imagine. I think I am going to make this into at least three parts. This seems more like a Dally imagine that a johnny, but it will follow up so just hang tight. If you have questions just comment them and I'll answer them for you lol.)

I pulled up to the empty lot in my mustang. I had guessed right, there were greasers everywhere. They were all eyeing my car, they knew I was a soc. I bit my lip and searched for johnny's gang.

Johnny had murdered bob just a few days ago. I didn't really blame him, it was self defense. Many people don't believe that though. Of course I was upset that bob was dead, but I was more upset that nobody knew where johnny and pony were.

I checked myself in the review mirror and took a deep breath. I was scared to do this. The only two greasers who I hung out with were the ones that weren't here. Nobody else really knew me. I just hoped they could recognize me and believed what I was about to tell them.

I opened my door and stepped out. Everyone was still talking and goofing around, they just kept a close eye on me. I saw a familiar leather jacket and I made a beeline for him.

I tapped his shoulder and when he turned around I realized he wasn't dally. He frowned at me and grabbed my wrist. He was holding it so tight that it felt as if he was breaking it.

I winced and he grinned. "Does that hurt pretty soc? Does it?" He mocked. He pushed me to the ground and looked down at me.

"I need dallas," I growled propping myself up in my elbows. I few greasers were watching us.

"Yeah? He isn't here and Dallas doesn't like socs. I'll give you just a taste of what he would do to you sweetheart." He squatted down next to me and grabbed the collar of my dress. He pulled me up by it and punched me in the jaw.

I yelped and he let go of my dress and I fell to lthe ground. "You dont like it do you? Hey, ain't you related to that one soc, the one johnny killed? Shoot. I saw you in the paper."

A bunch more greasers had starts gathering around us. None of them looked familiar. "I made a mistake. They weren't here, and they wouldn't be warned now."I thought.

"I am." I said firmly. I wasn't going to lie to them and I wasn't going to coward away.

He kicked me in ribs and head a few times and it took everything i had not to start crying. I was turned on my side now and I noticed that my handkerchief was laying on the ground. Someone picked it up. I remembered those shoes from somewhere. Soda?

"Curly! Get off of her!" Someone yelled. My head hurt to much to put a finger on who's voice it was.

A pair of big hands dragged me up off the ground and held me up. I felt really dizzy and I knew I was probably about to pass out. I felt myself slip once or twice. The person who was carrying me was asking me questions, but I couldn't understand them. Everything was distorted.

I slipped into darkness for a split second and when I came back I was still being carried by the person. This time everything was normal, darry was carrying me and the rest of the gang were there. We were still in the lot and they were carrying me to the back of the  same truck that they had carried johnny in.

Darry sat me up in the trunk to where my legs were dangling and I was facing him. The man who had jumped me, curly, was glaring at us from across the lot.

"How you feel kiddo?" Darry asked wiping some of the blood on my face away with the handkerchief soda had picked up.

"Mmm," I groaned,"like I just got kicked in the head."

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