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"steve, do you have a death wish?" i asked closing my book and staring at him.

he shrugged and looked utterly confused,"what do you mean."

i sighed and grabbed the plate of chocolate cake from him and set it on the bedside table the wiped all the crumbs on my bed off onto the floor.

"my cake!" he whined. his mouth was still full form his last bite so it came out all muffled and more crumbs got spat all over my bed.

i glared at him and wiped those crumbs off too. he still looked confused.

"steve number one i hate the sound of chewing, and two i told you not to eat in my bed. you get crumbs everywhere." i added jazz hands with the last word.

he laughed,"i do not!" he tackled me in a hug and pinned me down to the bed and laid on top of me. he looked at my face and sat their smiling at my like a dork.

i ran my fingers threw his hair before i heard a clatter on the floor. steve's face dropped and i looked at the ground. "steve!" i yelled,"really! you had to try and sneak it while we were having a cute moment?! and now it's all over my carpet."

i frowned and pushed him off of me and sat on the edge of my bed with my feet on the floor. "i'm sorry but you know cake comes first," he joked.

i glared at him,"why don't you respect me?"

he frowned,"what? why would you say that babe?"

i started at the wall instead of him. "because it's true. you never listen to me, steve. that was one of my rules and it's like it didn't even matter to you."

he pushed some of my hair away from the side of my neck to the back. "i'm sorry i won't eat cake in here again," he chuckled and kissed my neck softly one time. i shook my head.

"it's not just the cake steve," i said turning to him, he saw the tears that were welling in my eyes and his expression changed.

"then what is it," he asked scanning my face and putting his hand on my back and rubbed it softly.

i looked away again and let a few tears slip before i answered,"i feel like i'm not badass enough for you know? i can act like i am, but i'm not. and i'm not always up for breaking the rules or fighting everyone i come across. you sometimes pressure me into things like that."

he made me look at him and he nodded,"your right. your absolutely right. i have been pressuring you to do this stuff. and i don't respect your rules, but i will. and i'm sorry, i really am babe. i don't want you to feel like you have to feel like you have to be anything around me, but yourself."

he kissed my lips sweetly before continuing,"and i love you, i love you for you. the moments when we sit here, having conversations that matter, those are my favorite moments. please stop pretending to be a bad chick just for me, if that's not what you want, because i want what you want. but most of all i want you to be happy."

i was the one who kissed him this time, but it wasn't short like most of his. no, this one was long and passionate.

this kiss told me that he meant everything he just said, he wanted me to be happy. and he would start respecting me more.

i pulled away from the kiss and blinked the last few tears out, while steve wiped them away swiftly. he rubbed his thumb across my cheek and smiled,"i love you so much."

" i love you too."

"but just so you know i'm still gonna eat this cake, just in the kitchen. and yes i'm aware that's gross because it was on the floor but i don't really care."

the outsiders oneshots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now