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"You look like a chipmunk, so cute!" Soda squeaked while poking at my cheeks. I winced, because he poked a little bit too hard and I was really sore from getting my wisdom teeth pulled.

"Leave her alone soda, she's in a lot of pain,"darry said helping me to my room. My legs still felt wobbly, but the doctor said that was normal.

"Ohhhhh, weeee wooooo weeeee woooooo woweieiwiwwewowiwiei!" I yelled.

Pony started laughing at me.

"Hey poneyyyyyy weeeee wkkowowoowowowow weeeewoiiowowow!" I yelled again. Everyone but darry, who was holding me up, started laughing at me.

"Wait," i said looking up at darry,"can you all come to my room?! We can have a partayyyyyy!"

"I guess we can until your mom gets home and then we are leaving. And no party, you need to sleep," darry shrugged picking me up carefully and carrying me to my room.

"Look Stevie HES a PaRtY pOoPeR!" I exclaimed," don't worry darry I still love you. In fact, I love you all soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

"Okay we get it. Shut up!" Dally rolled his eyes. I frowned as best I could. It was hard with all this gauze in my mouth. Johnny made him apologize to me.

Darry carried me to my bed and the rest of the gang followed. He tucked me in and sat on the ground next to my bed. My room was fairly big, so we all fit in there without it being to crowded. Everyone was scattered around just looking at different things. They didn't really come in my room often, usually just johnny when it was too cold in the lot.

"Aweee!" Pony exclaimed causing everyone to look at him. He blushed when he realized his sudden outburst had got all the attention.

"Whattttt? Tell meeeeeeee!" I begged grabbing his arm and pulling at it.

He laughed at me and pointed to the stuffed elephant toy that laid next to me. "You kept it, from when you had the flu that time."

"Oh," I pulled the covers farther up and snuggled down into my bed,"of course I did. Dad gave it to me."

Darry, soda and pony all looked at one another. At the moment I hadn't realized I just called mr. Curtis dad. He was the closest thing to a father figure I ever had.

I smiled and closed my eyes, I felt myself slipping to sleep. I heard a few of them leave the room and I didn't really pay much attention to it. Twobit leaned down and whispered,"we're gonna leave you to sleep sweetie." Then he kissed my cheek.

I whined and opened my eyes. He started walking away and I grabbed his bicep. He turned his head back to me and frowned,"what's wrong sweets?"

"Mmmm, stay with me," I groaned closing my eyes again. He sighed and tried to get me to let him leave, but I had an iron grip on his arm and I wasn't letting him go.

"Hey Mrs Y/L/N, is it okay if I stay here for a little while?" Twobit yelled out the door of my room.

"It's fine with me!" She yelled back. My head hurt and I really wished that everyone would stop yelling.

"Your getting soft you old man!" Soda yelled from the living room. They were probably all talking to mom or playing some friendly pranks on her. If she would walk inside with the paper in her hand one of them would grab it and tease her with it. Sometimes they'd do the same with her purse. Luckily, my mom had a good sense of humor and plays along.

Twobit climbed into bed after taking his boots off and I laid my head on his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and I was asleep in no time. When I woke up he was still there with me.

the outsiders oneshots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now