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The cold wasn't necessarily your favorite type of weather, and it made walking to the bucks with the gang torture. It would've been okay, if you didn't give your jean jacket to Johnny a few weeks ago.

He needed it more than you, and you had told him you had others so he would take it. That was a lie though, you just didn't want him to catch his death. So, while he was prancing around all warm, you were stuck in sodas thin sweatshirt and you were frozen to say the least. You wouldn't dare let on that you were cold though, it would make johnny feel bad about taking the jacket.

You watched as sylvia strutted by, and you wondered if he noticed her. Pony did for sure because he looked back at dallas with worried eyes. Last time you and the gang saw sylvia, dal was as crude as he could be.

You felt an arm draped around my shoulder and you looked up to see dallas with an almost hurt expression on his face.

"Make it look like we're dating," he mumbled.

"Maybe you should give me your jacket to convince her," you said trying to keep a straight face as he took his leather jacket off and placed it on your shoulders. This couldn't have worked out better for you.

"Oh so she's your new slut?!" sylvia screeched pointing at you.

"Hey!" two-bit yelled.

"Yeah, watch what you call her," Steve said.

You waved your hand dismissing the situation and telling them all to just let it go. You weren't angry at Sylvia for calling you that, you were warm in dally's jacket.

"I bet your not even with her!" Sylvia yelled as you all walked away. "It's a bluff I bet!"

You rolled your eyes at her and grabbed dally's face, pulling him close to you and kissing him passionately. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you back.

You heard sylvia let out an anguished yelp before turning on her heels and stomping away. You pulled away from Dallas and fake gagged.

"Oh shut up," soda grinned at you. "that's the most action you've gotten in months!"

The gang laughed along with him and you flipped him off and threatened to bash his head in. You started taking dally's jacket off and he stopped you.

"Nah, keep it, you were freezing cold when i had my arm around you," he said quietly so johnny wouldn't hear. "And that was some kissing we did huh?"

You rolled your eyes and pushed him playfully. He put his arm around you again and you leaned into him the rest of the way to buck's

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