*cooking with him*

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ponyboy curtis

•he is actually a gordon Ramsay in disguise

•"are these supposed to be bland?""thanks pony"

•"your fires to high!" "okay pony i get it!here you cook"

•you end up getting your feeling hurt by him correcting you

•he comforts you by saying

•"i'm only trying to help because you cant cook"

•you start laughing because he thinks he's actually comforting you

•this boy gets hella confused

johnny cade

•he just likes to watch  and taste test

•he'll wrap his arms around your waist and lay his head on his shoulder while you cook

•"do these potatoes look done?" "hmm i don't know i'll have to taste them first!"*sigh*

•one time while you had a bowl of dried rice in your hands, you were about to put it in the water and johnny fell taking you down with him

•rice everywhere

•him laughing while you jokingly started throwing rice at him

•"i hate you johnny cade, you made me drop
my rice." "if i help you pick it up will you love me again?" "maybe"

dallas winston

•eats everything

•cooked or not he eats it

•"dally you cant eat straight butter!" "watch me" *gags*

•he tried to see what was in the frying pan and grease popped on him

•he almost cried not gonna lie

•"hah! grease on a greaser!" "shut up!"

•him acting all tuff about his new mark from the grease

•he makes you kiss it better though

•he turns the fire up without you knowing and something always burns:/

sodapop curtis

•he hates when you cook

•not because your bad at it, but he'd just rather cuddle with you

•because when he gets home from work your cooking and after your done cooking you both eat, then shower then go to bed

•sometimes he'll call you from work and tell you not to cook because he's gonna pick dinner up

•in which case you both eat then cuddle the crap out of each other

•"we need to do this all the time, so you don't have to cook babe." "you don't like my cooking?" "pshhh i love it more than you" "i'm hurt by that soda" "i mean-"

darrel curtis

•he cooks


•you jump up on his back and he carries you around while he cooks

•your kinda like johnny, you taste everything

•he doesn't mind!

steve randle

•he usually just sits on the couch and waits for you to finish cooking

•he'll occasionally come in and grab your butt

•just because that's the way steve is

•you smile and kiss him

•"watcha cookin good lookin.""food"

•he gets on your nerves sometimes because he'll be trying to make-out with you while your trying to cook

•you have to smear something on his face for him to stop trying to kiss you

two-bit mathews

•"wanna just order food?" "yes"

•you guys just eat out like every night

•because our cannot cook to save your life

•and neither can two-bit

•you guys just cuddle, watch mickey and eat take out

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