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"ugh i'm tired," i said throwing my backpack down.

"me too," pony said throwing his next to mine.

"how was the first day back, after christmas break?" two-bit asked. He was sitting on the floor watching mickey.

"the worst," ponyboy grumbled laying down on the couch.

"i'm gonna lay on you because you took my designated spot pony," i said looking down at him grumpily. Everyone knew that when I got home from school I took this exact spot on the couch.

I was pretty sure that me laying on him was his intention. He held his arms out waiting for me to lay on him,"go ahead."

i laid down on him and he wrapped his arms around me. he smelled really good, almost like he had sprayed on some of sodas cologne. Maybe he did.

"you smell bad pony," i lied.

"thanks a lot." He replied.

"why was school so bad for you guys," johnny asked from the kitchen,"today was pretty good for me."

"hey, johnny! i didn't know you were here," i said. Once he walked back to the living room he bent down and hugged me.

"hey reagan," he said smiling.

"it was just tiring," pony sighed.

"also it's school," I added.

everyone said,"true"

i laughed and laid my head down on pony's chest and he played with my hair. i loved when me and pony would lay like this, and we often did.

i started getting tired and i closed my eyes for awhile while i listened to mickey and let pony play with my hair.

"is she asleep?," i heard johnny ask.

"yeah," two-bit said.

"yeah i can hear her snoring," pony whispered.

what a liar. i'm not snoring. I know I'm not, because i'm not even asleep.

"you really like her huh pony?" i heard johnny say.

"yeah, johnny. i do," pony said, i felt the vibrations in his chest whenever he talked.

"how much do you like her pony?" two-bit asked, i think he knew that i was awake.

"a whole lot, two. i think i love her," pony whispered the last part.

"good thing she's asleep," i joked before raising up and planting my lips on pony's.

i heard two whoop and holler,"i knew she was pretending johnny!"

johnny was laughing at pony because he had his eyes open wide and he was very embarrassed. two was just laughing at us all.

"pony, you gotta kiss her back," johnny laughed and i pulled away because pony wasn't kissing.

"i-i don't know how to kiss," pony admitted and two-bit started laughing even harder.

"well maybe you need to practice," i said winking at him.

and i swear if two-bit started laughing even harder he would explode.

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