*when you go into labor*

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•he's just freaking out

•100% thought he was ready

•100% isn't

•he holds you and supports you

•he says cute things like "i love you" and "i can't wait for us all to be a family"

•soda is laughing at him because he passed out at least once

johnny cade

•he feels really bad

•he feels like it's his fault that your in this much pain

•he just wants it all to stop for you

•he is really excited however

•he cried when you gave birth

•he held you through it all on kissed your forehead a lot

dallas winston

•you kept yelling "YOU DID THIS TO ME" and "I HATE YOU ARGHH"

• he laughed it off because he knew you were in pain

•but he deep down wondered if you really blamed him and hated him

•you assured him that you didn't afterwards

•he held your kid for hours when you all got home

sodapop curtis

• a giggling mess

•he couldn't believe that this was really happening

•he was smiling and kissing you while you were crying and screaming

•him and steve are just freaking the freak out

•you passed out a few times

•each time you did he had a mini panic attack because the first time you passed out he thought you died

darry curtis

•prepared asf

•like where's the doctor?

•ahh nah your good you don't need one you've got darry

•he keeps your hair out of your face and constantly reminds you that he's there

• you better believe the whole gang is there

•you were in labor for freakin 49 hours bc the baby was actually twO BABIES YEET

steve randle

you go into labor and the first thing he does?

•calls soda.

• you had a c section

•he felt sick during the whole thing

•he kept apologizing for everything

•you had to tell him to shut up because he wouldn't stop apologizing

two-bit mathews

•he's crying because he's so happy

•you threw up at least two times during labor

•he was trying to get you to laugh because he didn't like seeing you in pain

•of course it didn't work

•he didn't understand how something this big;🏐 could fit out of something this big ; •

•can you say sister shook

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