•dating steve randle includes•

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•him flexing when he wants your attention

•because he knows his arms are you weakness

•i mean how hot are his arms, damn boy

•he likes to come up behind you, while your in a conversation, and pick you up by your waist and carry you away

•he did this once while you were talking to your mom and she just laughed for about five minutes

•"sorry mrs (y/l/n) i need to borrow her!" "OH UM BYE MOM!"

•she adores steve

•your dad likes him, mainly because they both like cars

•your little siblings (if you have any) like to climb all over him

•he plays around with them

•like he'll hold them and pretend like he's about to drop them, or he'll tickle them

•he helped you pick out your first car

•he cant keep his hands off of you when talk about cars

•it's like a weird kink i guess;)

•he doesn't like for you to play with his hair while it's greased

•only when it's not greased he'll let you play with it

•unless your sad

•if your sad he'll let you play with his hair, grease or no grease, but only because our his girl

•one time you and soda formed his hair into a mow-hawk while he was asleep

•johnny walked in and started screaming he was laughing so hard

•steve woke up and started getting upset because he couldn't find what was so funny

•you and soda kept dead eye contact trying not to laugh until he finally figured it out

•he thought he looked tuff

•soda told him he looked like his hair was excited, if you know what i mean ;)

•you often picked on him about that

•but he knows you love him

•and he loves you

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