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i was all ready for my date with soda tonight, all i was waiting for was him to come pick me up. i sat on my front porch just waiting for him.

i had waited for at least an hour and it was now dark. i was worried about him so i decided that it would be best to go to his house and check on him. maybe he just forgot about tonight, or maybe he got caught up with something at home.

i knew he didn't like for me to be walking on the streets at night alone, or during the day for that matter. dating a greaser automatically gave the socs a good reason to kick me around. given the socs know that i was sodapop's weakness would make it worse for me and him when you got caught by them.

that didn't matter to me, the chances of me getting caught were pretty slim seeing as how when i dressed up i hardly looked like the greaser i was.

i walked along the side of the road, keeping my eyes peeled for any dangers. i heard my high heels clicking on the ground and it made a nice rhythm.

i pulled my coat around me but i didn't pull my arms through the holes, it was the middle of winter which meant that it was freezing. this was my favorite time of year, it made me just want to cuddle up to soda. which of course he didn't deny that he loved cuddling too.

from far away i saw a shadow of a man slumped down on the side of a building and i immediately wanted to help. it didn't occur to me that this was sodapop until i saw his flannel shirt.

i stopped my jacket and i started running to him. once i got to him i squatted down next to him and i saw that his face was bleeding badly from multiple cuts, he also had a bunch of bruises forming all over his face.

he was unconscious and he truly looked dead with how pale his face was. i let a tear slip then i cupped his face in my hands gently and examined his cuts. some were far deeper than others.

his eyes fluttered open and he let out a small whimper and he put his hands over mine. "don't move," i whispered moving some of his hair away from his face,"just stay still."

i shifted so that i was sitting down next to him on the pavement and holding his hands in mine, instead of squatting and holding his face. he tried talking but by the little moans he let out i could yell talking hurt him. "soda," i cut him of and looked into his bruised eyes,"it's okay, you cant tell me later. i need to go call darry, there's a pay phone right there i'm gonna go. ill be quick."

he let out a small,"okay." and he leaned his head back against the wall and i got up to go make the call.

"hello?" darry answered.

"hey darry, it's Y/N, i need you to come tooooo," i dragged the last word as i searched for the street sign. then i gave him the address.

"is everything okay?" he asked i could hear the concern in his voice. i didn't really know how to explain what happened without making it sound like it was the biggest emergency in the world.

"um, well soda hadn't shown up to our date so i was walking to your house to see if he was okay. well i found him on the side of the street all cut up and bruised and unconscious , i'm pretty sure that he got jumped. he can't move and i can't carry him home so i called you guys."

"okay," he sighed,"i'll be there. does he need to go to the hospital?"

i looked at him from across the street and bit my lip,"he might have to."

"okay, be there soon," he said then he hung up and so did i.

i walked back over to soda and sat back down next to him. he quickly wiped his eyes to hide the fact that he was crying.

"soda it's okay to cry,"i cooed,"i know it hurts. it's okay to cry."

he broke down,"it's not just that it hurts, it's that it was scary."

i hugged him and he hugged me back and cried into my shoulder. i knew his tears weren't the only thing i had all over my clothes, his blood was everywhere.

i put my hand on the back of his head and let him cry into me. a few tears slipped from my eyes as well, i hated seeing him in so much pain.

darry's truck pulled up and soda didn't seem to notice it, he was to busy crying. darry and steve got out. i felt soda jump in my arms when they slammed their doors shut and i tightened my grip on him to let him know he was okay,"it's just steve and darry. it's okay."

he nodded with his face still buried in my shoulder. he quickly pulled away and dried his eyes. i gave him a sad smile and then steve and darry helped him up.

"c'mon kid brother, let's go," darry said practically picking him up and carrying him to the truck.

steve stayed behind and walked with me to the truck, looking around the streets to see if he saw anyone who could've done this to his best friend.

i sat in the back seat with sodas head on my lap. he was laying on his back and staring into my eyes while i traces small patterns on the unharmed skin on his face.

i looked out the window and kept tracing patterns on his skin. he winced and i realized that i hit a bruise,"oh i'm sorry soda,"

i placed a kiss on his lips and he kissed back.

darry decided that he didn't need to go to the hospital, so he took him home and then to his and pony's shared room.

i sat on the edge of his bed and played with his hair to calm him down while darry cleaned his cuts.

pony came in the room and told us that he would sleep on the couch so that i could stay with soda. i guess darry was okay with this because he knew soda was too weak for any shenanigans.

so that night me and soda cuddled up to each other and sleep like a rock.

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