•cleaning with the gang•

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•you guys never actually get any cleaning done

•pony just sits on your couch and reads

•some kind of cleaning product get spilt all over his book

•this angers him

•johnny is the first to help you clean

•"want me to sweep?" *sweeps* "what about dusting, what me to dust?"

•after you both clean everything you take off your shoes and slide around in your socks

•dally cleaning? hah good joke

•he sometimes likes to help clean

•but he usually watches tv and has a smoke

•soda loooooves to clean

•almost as much as johnny

•soda locket has ocd so he wants everything spotless

•darry thinks he's good at cleaning

•hun your wrong

•he thinks pushing everything inside of his closet means that his room is clean

•steve will only help you clean your room

•mainly bc there's bras and panties everywhere

•"i've never seen you wear this bra before" "you never will if you don't keep your nasty trap shut and mind your business randle"

•two-bit just dances around with the brooms

• "look at my hot date johnny!" "two-bit that's a broom it cleans the dirty floor" "she has feelings johnny cade, be nice"

•turns on mickey and sits on the ground with his arm around the broom

•one time johnny and you didn't tell anyone you guys mopped the floor in the kitchen

• "steve and two-bit come in here and get y'alls juice!" *slide* *smash*

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