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(A/N: I'm about to make these two GoRlS frienemes, but I know their not so no sHADE AND THATS THE TEA SIS)

"Laila, I'm nervous about this," i whispered to her. She was coaching me on what to wear to meet her boyfriends friends.

"It's okay Gia, you need to chill out," she snapped. Her words hurt a little bit but I shook them off.

"Okay, what about this red dress?" I asked pulling a red swing dress out of my closet. She shook her head. It was too fancy, so I settled for my regular jeans and flannel shirt.

I was third wheeling the whole time her, Dallas and I walked to the boys house, and I did not like one second of it. I even had to introduce myself to the gang, dallas and Laila were to busy sucking each other's tongues out to be that polite.

"Disgusting , are they always like that around you too?" Soda asked sitting next to me on the couch.

"Twenty four seven," I sighed. I noticed his flannel was red where as mine was blue, but we were both wearing jeans. Huh, strange.

"Nice style Gia." I guess he noticed too. "Did I influence that?"

"No, this is my first time meeting you as I recall. I barely know you." I smarted off. Nobody was paying attention to us, they were all to preoccupied.

"Oh really?" He sarcastically asked. He shot me a movie star smile.

"Really." I crossed my arms and turned away from him. I couldn't fight back the smirk growing across my face. He was real cute and I couldn't help but smile along with him.

"Well then maybe you need to get to know me. How does Friday night ten a clock at the dingo sound?" He suggested. Damn he was smooth.

"Sounds good curtis." I tried to ignore him staring at me and focus on the tv, but it was near impossible to do.

Friday wasn't our last date, it was the start of many. And let me tell you, I'm just his style.

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