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(this imagine deals with miscarriages so if that is triggering please don't read this! this is a warning 💞)

"hey, i'll get that!" soda said grabbing the plate and towel from my hands,"your pregnant go sit down."

i laughed a little bit and said,"just because i'm pregnant that doesn't mean that i cant do dishes, hey i cooked dinner didn't i?"

"uh huh, and thank you for that," two-bit said messing my hair up.

"yeah yeah, merry christmas to you too," i said fixing my hair and glaring at him.

"come sit with me," dally said patting the chair next to him at the table,"you don't need to be on your feet for too long."

"i swear to god you guys treat me like i'm the child," i groaned.

"no but you're carrying mine and that means that we have to do things for you," dally said kissing you.

"sure. whatever," i joked.

i felt a sharp pain in my stomach that made me wince. "are you okay?" dally asked. "yeah i just think the baby's kicking," i lied quickly not wanting them to worry.

"oooh! can i feel!"johnny asked excitedly. every time the baby kicked pony wanted to feel, he thought it was the coolest thing.

"sure," i laughed motioning for him to come over, luckily the baby started kicking when pony put his hand on my stomach. the baby isn't even born yet and she's already good at helping get away with lies? they're gonna fit in well with this gang.

"have you thought about what you want to name her?" pony asked.

"her?" steve asked,"oh hell no, that baby's a boy pony i don't know what drugs you are on." (*cough cough #stopbluntabuse2018 cough cough* sign the petition)

"better not be any drugs," darry said.

"it's an expression darry," steve explained as if darry didn't know that it was a joke.

"well what do you think it's gonna be," pony asked me and dally.

"oh um, i guess i had t thought about it that much, i mean either one will be good as long as she's healthy," i said then i bit my lips realizing that i just said 'she'.

"so you think it's a girl," dallas laughed.

i smiled and started to talk but my face dropped when i felt the sharp pain again, this time it was worse.

"are you okay?" johnny asked.

"yeah- yeah fine i think i just need some water," i said standing up.

"i'll get it," soda said motioning for me to sit back down, but i couldn't move.

the floor swayed under my feet and i felt all hot and clammy. dally put a hand on my back and held my right hand with his other one. i could heat him talking to me but i couldn't make out what he was saying.

the ringing in my ears slowly faded and i could see clearly again. "are you okay!" dallas asked, half yelling.

"yeah i'm fine," i said swallowing and closing my eyes. he looked at me like he didn't believe me. he put his hand against my forehead and said,"you're burning up, let's get you to the doctor."

i put my hand on the table and i took a deep breath i heard pony ask,"maybe she's about to have the baby, maybe these are just contractions or something."

"jeez pony with all the information you've been spewing lately people would think you've been pregnant," steve snarked. i gave him a half smile, i would've gave him a full one if i wasn't in so much pain.

"yeah okay, we're still getting you to the doctor," dally said grabbing his keys and my coat.

"no," i said placing my hand on his arm,"i'm fine dally really."

"it's not just you i'm worried about, we have the baby to think about," he said kissing my nose lightly.

"yeah. the baby is f-"i was cut off because i fell to the ground. the gang started calling my name and i stared at the ceiling barely breathing, dally was holding my head up. two-bit was on the phone with 911 asking for and ambulance.

i started couching weakly and my stomach started burning like someone was stabbing me. i started screaming and crying. dallas was trying to calm me down by holding me to his chest and kissing my hair but nothing worked.

i let out one last cry before everything went numb, something was horribly wrong. everyone thought that the baby was coming but i knew otherwise. maybe it was mother's intuition, but i knew something was wrong with my baby.

i started hyperventilating but i still couldn't feel anything, i just knew that dallas was still holding me and someone was holding a cold rag to my forehead.

i looked into dallas's eyes and i saw panic and i wondered if he knew too. i wondered if he knew that we just lost our baby.

if he didn't he now knew, because someone said,"guys she's bleeding. somethings wrong."

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