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"now you remember what your supposed to do right," dally asked me while i sat on his bed, putting on one of his jackets.

"yeah yeah," i rolled my eyes,"sit on the car and stay out of it. i still don't get why you won't let me fight dally, i'm eighteen now. i'm old enough."

"no your not, as long as your my girlfriend you'll never be old enough," he said leaning down and kissing me roughly on the lips," as long as your on the car they won't touch you."

"how do you know that for sure? that's not a written in stone rule dally, they could still get to me," i informed him,"then i'll he forced to join the rumble."

"in your dreams," he sat down next to me and started putting his boots on,"they touch my girl and they won't have any teeth left, i promise you that."

i leaned my head on his shoulder while he finished with his boots. "are you tired?" he asked looking at me. i nodded.

"you don't have to go, you can wait here till i get back," he kissed my head and let me lean on him for awhile.

"no, i'm fine," i said standing up suddenly and pulling him up with me,"let's go."

he laughed and threw his arms around me as we walked to meet up with the gang at the rumble. we made small talk and kissed each other every so often along the way.

he helped me up on the car, he had to help me jump over some of the mud. he kissed me once i got up on the hood and told me,"you stay up here, be my cheer leader."

"sure, i still wish i could fight dally," i whined, i had hoped he would change him mind once he got to the rumble.

"i know you do, just trust me on this one," he begged me and kissed me one last time before heading over to the rest of the gang and getting rest for the rumble.

the rumble had started and i kept my eye on johnny, just like dally had asked me too. not that johnny needed it, johnny was a good man in a rumble. he could take a beating well and that helped him catch people off guard after they would hit him.

i was to busy watching johnny and dally that i hadn't noticed the soc that snuck up behind me and pushed me off the car. i fell right into the middle of the rumble. i felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and it kept repeating itself a few times before i realized i was getting kicked. 

the guy that was kicking me had been tackled by dallas and i had been dragged off the ground by johnny. "your in the rumble now," he warned me, punching a soc that came at me,"just stick close to dally."

i felt a little jolt of excitement, i was finally in a rumble. i ducked a punch that was thrown at me and i swept the soc to the ground with my leg.

i started punching at him and i heard soda scream at dally,"JEEZ BRING HER MORE OFTEN!"

"stop that!" dally yelled pulling me off the soc,"your giving him fuel to hurt you, babe."

"dally i'm in the rumble now, i have to fight," i sassed.

"not if i can help it," he gripped my wrist tightly and pulling me behind him,"watch my back. don't swing at anyone."

i knew that if i didn't listen to him he would get mad at me, so i did. i felt a first come in contact with my cheek bone and a blade cut across my arm. i got pushed back to the ground by dally, who was now taking care of the soc that just punched me.

that was the end of the rumble, that soc just broke the rule of this rumble, no weapons. that didn't help the fact that my arm was bleeding though. dally let the soc run away with the rest and he spat at him.

he then walked over to me and looked at my arm. i winced when he grabbed it and moved it up closer to him. "i'm sorry, i should've been quicker," he apologized.

"it's not your fault dally, besides you can make it up to me by helping me fix all the rips and cuts in this jacket, huh?" i joked.

he smirked and kissed the cheek that hadn't been hit and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

"yeah and after we fix it, keep it. it looks better on you," he stated proudly.

in the end, i got to join in the rumble, but the blade that got pulled on me had scared me out of the rest of them. dally was very happy about this.

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