•roadtrips with sodapop•

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•he drives

•his hand is is in yours

•you cuddle on his side and sleep when you want

•he loves it when you do that

•sometimes you'll unbuckle and sit across his lap

•but you stopped after he almost crashed because he was to busy looking at you

•he pulls the car over to make out with you 24/7

•when you start kissing his neck randomly he panics and tries to find a place to park

•*kiss* "SKSKSKKSSK"

•he likes for you to mess with his hair while he drives

•makes you feed him gummy bears

•blaring music

•he won't stop burping so you threaten to kick him out

•*burp* "get out!" "it's my car!"

•he has a fair point

•you read books to him

•but then you end up getting carsick and throwing up

•he feels really bad for you so he pulls the car over and cuddles you until you feel better

•he loves to watch you hangout the window and holler random things at top of your lungs

•he laughs at most of the things you say

•"chicken strips are just slutty chicken nuggets!" "WHAT THE HELL ABHAHAHA"

•once you guys get where your going he ALWAYS takes a nap

•the car ride is always much more fun than the actual trip

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