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my boyfriend was one of the strongest people i knew. he took beatings daily, mental and physical. yet he still managed to stay sane and kind. it broke me that he had to live with this pain.

he never cried when he got beat until afterwards.usually after he got beat or yelled at he didn't want me to touch him until a few minutes until he couldn't take it anymore and wanted to be held. he was so shook up every time that he felt that the things his parents would yell at him were true and he felt that i shouldn't be around him since he was that horrible.

something his parents said this time must've hit him particularly hard, because he walked into the curtis house and locked himself in the bathroom. he tried to sneak by but we all saw that he had been crying and bleeding.

i got up from the couch and knocked on the door,"johnny will you let me in please." i could here him crying because i was right by the door, even though he had the water running. i knew the gang didn't hear it and i didn't want to embarrass johnny anymore than he already was so i didn't say anything.

"want us to leave?" steve asked quietly.

the only people home were him, dally, pony, soda, me and now johnny. i knocked on the door again and when he didn't respond i nodded. i don't know where they went but i know that they left the house.

"johnny their gone, it's just me. please let me in," i said leaning against the wall. he still didn't respond. his crying was getting louder and i was getting worried.

i went into darry's room and grabbed the key that unlocks the bathroom door. once i unlocked the door i quietly snuck in and shut the door.

johnny has his head down and his hands were gripping either side of the sink so hard that his knuckles were white. my heart broke into a million pieces seeing the blood on his jean jacket.

i put my hand on his shoulder as gently as i could so that i wouldn't scare him. it didn't work, he still jumped. "it's just me johnny," i said and he finally looked at me. his cheekbone was bruised badly in one spot and there was a cut that was just below the bruise.

he tried to hold his tears in, but once i told him that he could cry he started letting out sobs. i pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around his neck. it was like his body went limp. i held him up slightly but i still sat down on the ground of the bathroom. i held him and let him cry and vent about everything his parents slurred at him. the things they had said were brutal, worse than usual.

after he was done talking and his crying had calmed down a little bit he laid his head on my lap and had his arms wrapped around my legs. i rubbed the cheek that wasn't bruised with my thumb. that always seemed to calm him down.

we heard the gang come in and i asked him if he wanted to leave and go see them. he shook his head and said,"think there's a way we can sneak out and go to the lot? i don't want them to see me yet."

i looked at the bathroom window and asked him,"i think we can sneak through the window." and that's exactly what we did.

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