•you get grounded with the gang•

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•you usually get sent to your room and you aren't allowed to use the phone

•all you have to do is stand outside and throw a shoe over the fence and the curtis brothers will get the message

•you usually get rescued by anyone in the gang BUT darry, because he thinks you should face the punishment

•they send pony over to say you guys need to work on homework

•when that doesn't work johnny tries to help you escape the window

•while soda distracts your mom with his charm

•and steve talks to your dad about cars

•and as for your little siblings you leave it to dally to threaten the crap out if they tell

•two-bit helps johnny with sneaking you out through the window

•after you get out you all run like hell from your parents

•you make sure to hug them all and thank them

•your parents make sure to ground you more often because they like watching the boys rescue you

•one time your parents weren't in the mood to talk to steve and soda so they literally just told them to go get you

•they did come get you

•they picked you up off of your bed and carried you out the door

•"we're borrowing her" "have her home by ten" "it's not a date dad"

•they always ask why you were grounded

•"bEcAuSe I kIlLeD sOmEbOdY" "need help with the body"

•and they always helped you hide the body

•friendship goals:,)

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