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i sat with my knees to my chest on the bed and my magazine open. i stared at the girls that seemed so effortlessly beautiful. i felt nothing like that. i could spend hours putting makeup on and i still wouldn't feel beautiful.

steve should be home soon and he couldn't see me crying. i decided to cover up the redness with makeup so i went to the bathroom and started putting some on.

i heard the bedroom door open and steve walked in. i peeped me head out of the bathroom door and greeted him. he greeted me back with a kiss.

"why are you putting makeup on?" he asked,"oh shoot. did we have date tonight?!" he had his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder, just watching me cake my makeup on.

"no steve," i laughed. i watched him frown as i picked up more foundation. i felt really self conscious all of the sudden and i stared at the bottle, how much did i need for him to see me as pretty. did i have to much on? i thought i was beginning to look good.

i looked back at the mirror and i saw him staring back at me. i felt a knot form in my throat and my eyes tickled with tears. he kissed my shoulder for a while, steve didn't know i was self conscious but he knew that something was wrong.

i set the glass bottle on the edge of the counter, not meaning for it to fall, but it did. steve pulled me back as the glass shards flew everywhere. tears finally starting pouring from my eyes and we both chose to ignore the mess.

steve wrapped me in his arms and held my head against his chest, he just let me sob into him.

"what's wrong, babe," he begged for me to tell him.

"steve i'm not pretty enough for you," i wiped my eyes and pushed him a way from me,"you deserve someone who looks like sandy, i don't look anything like her!"

"your right, you don't. but i don't like the way sandy looks," he grabbed a rag from inside to bathroom cabinet and wet it,"i hate the way she cakes her make up on."

he pulled me down on the floor with him, gently, and started taking all my makeup off with the rag. i started crying for awhile.

"i hate the way she treats soda too, she walks all over him. you don't do that to me," he comforted,"you love me for me and i love you for you. that makes you beautiful, baby. i promise you, you are the prettiest girl i have ever set eyes on."

he grabbed the magazine off the bed and looked at the page i had read last,"is this what's got you so beat up?"

i nodded and continued to cry. he leaned he back against the wall and pulled me into his lap. he kissed my forehead and started naming all the things that he thought weren't pretty on the girl in the magazine.

next he started naming everything he loved about me. the list was never stopping, so i cut him off with a kiss.

"steve," i whispered against his lips,"i got the memo."

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