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•darry gives you a lot of back rubs when you are on your period

•he also cooks for you

•he makes sure you know that he loves you will all his heart

•he gets the gang to help make you laugh when you feel sad

•forget treating you like a princess he treats you like a queen

•he cuddles you whenever he can

•he puts you blankets and pjs in the dryer for you before you go to bed so that they are warm and comfortable

•if you can't fall asleep he'll stay awake with you and talk

•constant compliments, more than usual

•he tries his best not to make you mad in anyway

•if he does he usually catches himself and tries to keep his cool

•he always apologizes and tells you that your right

•even if your wrong

•he has to secretly warn the gang when you start because you are literally the devil

•i say secretly because if you knew he told them you would kill him

•every time he sees you he makes sure to kiss you and hug you

•every day he sees you he wants to marry you even more

•even on your worst days, like your period days

•he's still head over heels

the outsiders oneshots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now