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"cutest greaser couple is going to the movies tonight right?," two-bit asked sitting down on the couch between me and johnny and throwing his arms around us.

"we aren't dating two," johnny said slipping out from under his arm. i left two's arm around me and i threw mine around his shoulder.

"not yet at least," pony winked at me.

"oh haha," i flipped him off ,"and yes we are going...with dallas."

"oh so he can third wheel?" Two-bit cackled, making johnny roll his eyes.

"can i go?" pony pleaded.

"hmm, i don't know are little kids allowed, dallas?" i asked my brother.

"little kids are. otherwise my kid sister wouldn't be going!" dallas said walking up to us.

"hey! i'm sixteen, i ain't no kid!"

"whatever yan," dallas said shaking his head,"you're my kid sister."

"mmhmmm," i shrugged, whatever floated dally's boat i guess.

pony dog eared his book and put it away. then he began his typical begging ritual.

"pony you can, as long as it's okay with the two lovers," darry have pony permission. "is it okay lovers?"

"i'm gonna kill you," i threatened darry.

johnny butted in and said,"you all know i only think of her as a friend a don't get why you all tease us!"

this hurt me a little bit because i actually liked johnny. the only person who knew this was dally. everyone kind of stayed silent, Johnny didn't speak out often, and when he did it took us all by surprise.

"what if she thinks of you as more than a friend?" dallas raised his eyes brows . okay so now i had four people to murder; two, pony, darry, and dallas. good to know.

"then that's for her to tell me," johnny said looking straight ahead and avoided any eye contact with anyone in the room.

i couldn't help but smile at the ground, and i had to fight myself from laughing. this was all working out so perfect, slow burning, but perfect.

"well we better go if you don't want to miss the movie," dally grumbled.

"yeah, they don't go to the movies to watch the movie," soda said.

"yeah they go to suck each other's faces off," steve started making out with the air and then him and soda started laughing at themselves.

"oh haha so clever. now i need to dig six graves!" i said shooting finger guns at them and slipping out from under two-bit's arm

"awe you love us," steve said poking my cheek, only for me to swat his hand away.

"not as much as she loves johnny!" two-bit added.

i punched him in the stomach, a little bit harder than i meant to. but this was the thing about being a girl in the gang, you had to be able to let them know when you've had enough of their teasing. luckily, growing up with Dallas Winston as a brother that much was easy for me.

"okay let's get going before you break someone's ribs," johnny laughed and he put his arm around my shoulder, turning me away from the rest of the gang. He must have gained some new found confidence because he's barely even done so much as shake my hand.

"i'll meet you guys there! i'm gonna go pick up a broad!" dally called after us. i had no doubt that he would.

"you coming pony?" i yelled snapping pony away from his attention away from his book.

"if he keeps making out with her any longer i think i'm gonna throw up," johnny whispered in my ear.

i giggled,"ditto. well pony's real into the movie and they are obviously... busy. want to get out of here?"

he nodded,"of course. the lot?"

i nodded and grabbed his hand. we stood up and he helped me over the seats.

pony paid no attention to the fact that we were leaving him, he was so engrossed in the movie. part of me felt bad about leaving him, but i wanted to go spent time with just johnny.

we held hands as we walked to the lot. he would occasionally hold my hand up and twirl me around, making me laugh.

"can i ask you something?" johnny asked sitting next to me, by the fire.

"you just did," i sassed throwing a piece of grass into the fire.

"okay can i ask you two questions?"

"you just di-"

"c'mon yanelie!" he laughed.

"sure johnny," i said smiling.

"what do you want in a relationship? like what kind of boyfriend do you want?" he asked.

his dark puppy dog eyes stared at me eagerly. it hurt a little bit because i just wanted to yell at the top of my lungs that he was the one i wanted.

"well," i started,"maybe someone who isn't afraid to stand up to people- only when it's needed, not someone who is too rough and rude like dally. i would like someone who has a sense of humor, who can take a joke. someone who can be my best friend and lover at the same time."

he hid his smile but i wore my confidently. he knew i had just described him, and i continued to describe him.

"what about you?" i asked.

"me? well, um- someone funny and outgoing you know? maybe she's a little bit bashful around people she doesn't know. athletic, and she has to care about the people she truly loves." he said this all so quickly but the words he spoke melted down in my mind, and it all made sense.

i wanted johnny and he wanted me.

we both sat there for a while just staring into the fire. the silence felt awkward for me and
i wondered if it was awkward for him too.

he scooted over a little bit closer to me and whispered my name.


"yeah?" i turned to him.

he kissed me and at that moment all my thoughts were confirmed, this boy had stolen my heart and i stole his.

he pulled away with his eyes still closed and asked,"will you be my girlfriend?"

i stayed silent, still freaking out at the fact that johnny kissed me.

"yan?" he asked worriedly, he now had his eyes open.

"yes." i whispered kissing him again,"yes johnny, i will be your girlfriend."

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