•school with the gang•

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(a/n i know not everyone of our baby greasers are in school but just go with it hoes)

•you and pony are the sports stars around school

•after every tournament and meet you and the gang go out to celebrate the wins

•even if you don't win

•you celebrate

•you have a ton of classes with johnny

•you guys pass notes and draw on each other

•the notes are stupid half the time

•"mr. cade would you like to read to the class what's on that note that you and your friend keep passing back and forth?" "ahem...

johnny: honey where's my super succ

you:your super what?

johnny: my super succ? "

•dally is the school bad boy

•and he scares off anyone who tries to flirt with you

•"hey i got detention again, wanna come?" "dally i have to actually get in trouble to go to detention" "hmm what's this? a tube of glitter i see" *throws all the glitter everywhere*

•little shit shoves the tide in your hand and runs before the teachers see him

•you ask soda to walk with you in the hallways to make boys jealous

•you two have fun with it too

•he'll put his arms around you, let you wear his ring or his jacket, hug before classes and he'll kiss you cheek

•boys get hella jealous

•darry is the one who saves you from bullies

•"hey greaser, need to wash your hair?" "need to wash your mouth?" "oh shit it's darry"

•gives you piggy back rides through the halls

•supportive af

•steve is the one who would trip you in the hallways

•he would catch you before you hit the ground though

•one time you dropped your water bottle when he tripped you and it broke

•it was a slippery mess, teens falling everywhere

•two-bit makes funny faces through the windows

•usually during tests

•one time during a test you fell out of your chair laughing at two-bit

•you got detention for that:/

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