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"johnny come by my house after the rumble okay," i said hugging my boyfriend goodbye.

"okay," he said placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"i'm okay to walk home by myself right darry," i asked peering around johnny.

he nodded,"yeah, the socs'll be at the rumble."

i nodded and let go of johnny,"see you later cade."

he smiled and watched me walk down the street.

as i walked i was thinking about the gang. a memory of when we i was five flooded into my mind. i was at the park, for a friends birthday party, and i found the group of boys rough housing more interesting than painting my nails with my friends.

so me ,being curious, went to go play a game of tag with the boys. after the tag game we all started wrestling. i ended up breaking my collar bone and i didn't even cry. mrs. curtis has to take me to the hospital and the gang came along.

they all kept me company until my mom got there. my mom talked to mrs. curtis and they became good friends, which meant i became close with the gang. now i was 16 and they all considered me a greaser like them.

i was the mom of the gang, and my house was kinda like the curtis house, everyone loved there if they needed it. my mom didn't mind the gang coming in and out of the house, she was happy to have company.

i walked upstairs to my room after telling my mom that johnny would be coming by after the rumble. she asked if i knew what time and i told her i had no clue.

i put my pajamas on and climbed into bed with a book. i didn't want to go to sleep before johnny got here, but i couldn't always get what i wanted.

i woke up to a pair of arms snaking themselves around me. I turned around to see a pair of black eyes staring at me, it was johnny.

"how'd the rumble go?" i asked as he pulled me closer to him.

"we won," he smiled,"i didn't even get punched in the face, that's an accomplishment on my part!"

i chuckled,"yeah, it is. i don't want anyone messing up your pretty face."

he smiled and i put a hand on his cheek and stared into his eyes.

"your so beautiful," he whispered.

i blushed and kissed his cheek where my hand had been, making sure not to touch where his scar is. i know it hurts him sometimes.

I like his scar, i thought that it made him look tough. And with all that johnny's been through he is tough.

i ran my fingers through his hair and he asked me,"do you want to go back to sleep? i'll stay with you."

"you sure you don't wanna go celebrate with the gang?" i asked.

he nodded,"i'd rather be here with you."

he gave me a kiss then i rested my head in the crook of his neck while he traced circles on my back.

i soon fell asleep.

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