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"Remind me how I got stuck with you two  again please?" I groaned rolling my eyes and mentally facepalming as Steve and Two-bit shot spitballs at each other. The Dingo wasn't exactly the classiest joint, but they could be a little more respectful to people around us.

"Well, you came with soda," Steve said spitting in the air and then catching it in his mouth, causing me to gag. "But he ditched us. So you're here with us kiddo!"

Steve trapped me in a headlock and messed my hair up. The ponytail I had spent a very long time perfecting was astray.

"Yes, my brother, the ditcher," I growled.

"Hey don't take it too hard kiddo," Two-bit said, "we love you both anyway."

My heart melted when he said that. Of course it wasn't romantically, it was more platonic, but still.

"Would you stop calling me kiddo?" I whined and I got up from the table.

Two-bit frowned and when he and Steve made eye contact he shrugged. I groaned and got up from the table. I went to the bathroom, even though I didn't have to use it.

I just sat in there for a while and when I came back Steve was gone.

"Where's Steve?" I asked sitting down across from twobit.

"He ditched us too," twobit grumbled and picked at his fries.

Of course, he sounded repulsed, he didn't wanna be alone with me. Nothing new, I guess. I had a mad crush on Two, but he never gave me the light of day.

"You wanna just go home?" he asked me while dumping half a bottle of ketchup on his plate just for the fun of it.

I stared at him and watched him continue to unscrew the salt shaker cap and dump all the contents on top of the ketchup. He looked up at me and gave me a strange look. I hadn't realized I forgot to answer him.

" Oh. Of course," I hissed before leaving the booth and walking out the door. 

Like I said; never gives me the light of day. The second Steve left he wanted to take me home. Not to mention, started acting like a total child in front of me. Pony said that he would never see what I saw in Twobit, and now I was starting to think maybe he had a point. 

I heard Twobit calling my name, but I just ignored him and continued walking home. I walked a little bit faster. I knew I couldn't outrun him though, he was much faster than me and he has longer legs.

"Emrie, Emrie, Emrie!" he yelled until he finally caught up with me. 

"Leave me alone Matthews," I said fighting looking at him.

"Can't," he shrugged.

"And why not?" I asked crossing my arms. Hopefully, he would say something romantic and I would fall back in love with him like I was five minutes ago.

"Because your brothers'll kill me if you get hurt," he said throwing his jacket at me.

"DAMN YOU KEITH!" I screamed throwing his jacket on the ground.

"Jesus, are you on your period," he asked grabbing his jacket off the road and laughing at his little comment.

"All I want is for you to just be serious with me for once! Can't you see that for the past two years I've been head over heels for you?! You know what I don't even know why anymore because you are the actual scum of this earth! You can't even spend time with me alone without acting like a total idiot!" I yelled at him. his mouth was open as if he was about to say something, but then he shut it.

"Please leave," I told him hanging my head. The gang would never let me live this one down. 

He lifted my chin up with his finger and looked into my eyes. My breath hitched in my throat. He was so close to me

He pressed his lips against mine gently and cupped my cheek with his hand.

"I act like that because I don't know how else to act around you," he whispered against my lips.

he kissed me again.

"doesn't stop the fact that you're an idiot," I whispered back with a smirk.

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