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My eyes fluttered open and I saw my sleeping boyfriend laying next to me. I cuddled up closer to him, he was warm and I was cold. He pulled me closer, in his sleep.

I raised my head up slightly and peeked at my clock. It read 6:00, and the sun was rising. Pony was facing me so he wouldn't see it unless he flipped over.

"Pony," i whispered kissing his cheek quickly. He groaned in response.

"Hey, roll over, the suns about to rise. You don't wanna miss it bubs," I kissed his lips in attempt to wake him up, but he kept his eyes closed the whole time.

"I just want to hold you," he grumbled.

"Well, what if I do this?" I asked pulling his arms off of me and climbing over him. I laid down so that his back was to mine and I was facing the window.

"Why'd you go and do that?" He whined.

"So that you can roll over," I pushed him so that he was facing the window, then i wrapped his arms around me so that we were spooning. "And hold me. Now watch the sunrise."

He sleepily watched the sky and after a few minutes of silence he looked away from the window and stared at me. I looked over my shoulder and gave him a funny look.

"What's wrong pony?"

"Just thinking about how lucky I am," he breathed. "Your too good for a grease like me."

"Grease ain't got nothing to do with it, Pony. And I am not to good for you, we're just right for each other." I turned so that I was facing him.

He smiled softly and kissed my forehead before laying his head back down. "I sure do love you."

"I love you too pony."

the outsiders oneshots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now