*how he acts around his super religious girlfriend*

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Okay so here we go,,,

13/10 is supportive and tries his best to learn more about your religion so he can understand his limits and yours so he can pROTEC

He is such an awkward lil bean tbh. He goes to church with you because he wants to be supportive like pony, but he doesn't understand half of it and you have to explain it later on in the day.

Definition of YEET. It took him awhile to warm up to the fact that you were saving yourself for marriage.

Goes to youth group with you all. The. Time.
Literally all the old ladies at church loooooove him.

He's definitely inspired and he drags the gang to church whenever you two go.

He really doesn't care that much. As long as it doesn't effect his cake eating and car fixing 😌👊🏼

He makes j o k e s all the time. Like if anyone cusses he'll cover your ears and gasp.
"She can't listen to this, she's r e l l g i o u s idiots!"

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