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"you have to tell him," i told myself.

i was standing at the bathroom mirror giving myself a pep talk. it was just me and two-bit at the curtis house currently and now would be a great time to tell him that i was pregnant.

i walked out of the bathroom and sat next to two-bit on the ground. he absentmindedly wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kept his focus on the tv.


"hmm," he asked putting some cake in his mouth.

"i'm pregnant," i said quickly.

he choked on his cake and i laughed at him.

"was that just to get my attention?" he asked a little bit on edge.

i shook my head and his entire face lit up as he engulfed me in a bear hug.

"really! really! OH MY GOSH!" he kissed my lips then both of my cheeks.

i laughed and kissed him back.

he kissed my stomach and put his hand on it,"i'm so happy!"

he pulled me into his arms and i laid there with him for awhile,"me too."

i meant it, there wasn't anyone else in this world who i would want to raise a kid with. two-bit was the kindest man that i knew, and i loved him with every bit of me.

i put my hand over the one of his that he had rested on my stomach and i fell asleep in his arms.

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