☼dallas and johnny☼

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y/n's mother was real sick and she had to get the earliest flight to her home town she could so she could be there for her. i stood against the bedroom door in attempt to stay out of her way while she frantically threw clothes into a suitcase.

"are you sure you can't take her with you, doll?" i asked moving from the door to the bed.

"i- i cant dal- i just can't. it's a five hour flight, it would just be torture for her. not to mention, she hasn't met my mother yet. i don't want this to be the way she does," she ranted.

she was leaving sophia, our five year old kid, home with me and i was beyond nervous. i love sophia, but i'm just not a great dad, she likes her mom more.

"i know doll." i said picking up the pair of socks that had fallen out of the suitcase and placing them back on the top.

"i'm worried about mom dally-" she said, her voice breaking. tears welled in her eyes.

"she'll be okay," i said awkwardly pulling her into my arms.

i don't really know how to handle her when she cries, but i've learned that yelling and leaving the room are not the proper ways. doing that makes her cry more and i hate seeing her cry period.

"i'm such a bad kid, i never go to see her anymore," she cried into my jacket. i gently patted her head and kissed her hands.

"your not a bad kid, she wasn't a good mom. you're a great kid, you give her to many chances because your forgiving," i told her. "if your a bad kid i can't imagine what i am."

"your the spawn of satan dallas," she joked and i smirked at her.

"must be," i laughed.

suddenly, the bedroom door opened and sophia came walking inside with tired eyes. she saw the suitcase and frowned.

"are you both leaving me?" she pouted and crawled up on the bed.

y/n wiped her eyes and put on her best fake smile. she was real good at keeping things that sophia didn't need to know hidden. sometimes i was blown away by how she was so good at raising sophia, but then again i have to remember that she was stuck raising her siblings.

"no! we would never," she said watching sophia crawl in between the two of us and holding her when she sat down in her lap.

"mommy just needs to go help grandma for a few days. i'll be back soon," she promised and kissed sophia's forehead. "oh, you feel a little bit warm. doesn't she dal?"

i placed my hand against her forehead just barely and nodded. y/n bit her lip as sophia explained why she felt warm.

"i was wrapped up in four blankets, they were protecting me from the monsters!" she exclaimed.

i chuckled lightly and ruffled her hair.

someone knocked on the front door and i say sophia on my shoulders and we both left to get the door while y/n finished packing.

"uncle johnny!" sophia exclaimed when i opened the door.

"hey doll! hey dal," johnny said with genuine happiness. sophia was one of the only things i've seen johnny truly get happy about.

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