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(This is kinda like the soda one except it's not...? If that makes sense haha.)

"We'll be back Y/N, just stay in here," my older cousin bob said. He parked the car and him and his friends got out. I hadn't even looked up from my book to nod, I just muttered a "Okay."

I heard some strange noises but I was too engrossed in my book to pay any attention to them. A Beatles song came on the radio and I looked up from my book to change the station. I don't like the Beatles too much, but I sure am crazy for Elvis. Starting a hunt for some sort of Elvis I flipped through the stations.

When I looked up I realized I had no clue where we were. After awhile it processed through my head that we were in greaser territory. I looked out the window and sighed, hoping nothing bad would happen.

someone yelled for help and searched out the window for the noise. "Shut up you greaser!" I heard bob yell.

I opened the door quickly and stepped out in search to see if my cousin was in any danger. I didn't expect him to be the one causing danger.

"Bob!" I shrieked and I ran over to him and his friends,"what the hell!"

I tried to grab him and pull him off of the poor kid he was beating the tar out of, but his friend randy grabbed me and held me back. I kicked him and I yelled, trying to get  out of his grip. Bobs rings were cutting the greasers face all up.

They had beat the greaser to a pulp, before I got them off of him. they decided they we. I had to tackle randy to the ground to get them to stop hurting the greaser.

Bob pulled me up off the ground by the arm and started dragging me back to the car, but I slapped him across the face. He gave me a real evil look.

"Leave me here,"I growled.

"No way! This is the greaser part of town!" Randy yelled.

"Yeah! So what if it is?! I bet that's the only reason you came here is to jump a greaser! Did he even do anything to you?!," i pulled my arm away from bob and glared at them both.

They both stayed silent. That gave away that the kid hadn't.

"Like I said, leave me here."

"Come with me. now," bob hissed.

I shook my head,"leave me here or I'll tell your mom and dad what you and cherry do in the pool house."

He gritted his teeth then pushed me to the side. They  all got into his car and he slammed the door and sped away, leaving me standing there with my arms crossed.

I turned around to see the greaser laying on the ground, and groaning in pain. I winced when I saw his face. He was real bad looking right now, his face was all bruised and bloody. Not to mention he was all cut up.

I walked over to him and sat down on the ground. He groaned again and tears ran down his cheeks. "Can I move you a little bit?" I asked. He mumbled a yes.

I gently moved his head up and laid it in my lap. I grabbed my handkerchief from my skirt pocket and held it to the biggest cut he had. He winced when I did.

"I'm sorry," I said, fighting back a few tears. I couldn't believe my own cousin could do this to anyone, especially someone who was innocent. Grease or not, it didn't matter.

His eyes were both swollen and black already, but he seemed to be looking up at me. "It's not your fault. I'm johnny."

I smiled lightly and said," I'm Y/N. I would help you walk, but I'm not sure you need to be moving so much right now. It could hurt you worse."

He just stayed silent and let me hold the handkerchief to his face. A bunch of greasers had run up to us not even two minutes later, one of them was in a truck. It's like they already knew.

They were his gang. One named sodapop took him from me and held him. I let him take my handkerchief so that he could keep it on the cut.

I was explaining to a man named Darry what had happened. They were so angry that I was afraid that they would all jump me then and there.

"Thank you," darry said and my nerves calmed a lot. I knew then that they weren't mad at me, just the situation.

"I hardly think that thanks are in order," I breathed. I wiped my bloody hands on the back of my skirt, the front was covered in Johnny's blood. Soda and a few of the other greasers had left with johnny and they took the truck, they were going back home to take care of him.

Darry and another gang member named Ponyboy walked with me back to their house, they were brothers. I felt a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I maybe could've prevented it from happening.

"What was the name of the soc that jumped him again?" Pony asked.

I sighed,"he's my cousin, his name is Bob. I never even thought he would be capable of something like that. He always seemed so sweet, I guess that was the only side of him I ever saw. I'm real sorry about it all, I tried to get him off of johnny but I couldn't until it was too late."

"Hey don't worry," pony tried to comfort me, because I had started crying. "johnny'll be okay." He said, trying to stay optimistic.

I nodded and wiped my tears from my cheeks. Darry had told me that once we got back home he would take the car and drive me to my house if I wanted. I told him I wanted to stay and that all I needed to do was call my mom and make up some lie. He didn't seem too keen to the idea, but he allowed it.

Soda gave me some of his old clothes to wear while Darry washed the blood out of mine. I ended up staying real late that night and getting to know the gang fairly well while johnny slept in pony's room. They all seemed to respect me, probably because I had helped one of their members.

Greasers aren't as bad as all the socs make them out to be.

A few weeks later I saw johnny, dally and pony at the drive in. I gave pony and johnny big hugs and said hello to them all. I was going to give dally a hug but he said it would ruin him rep.

Johnny seemed to be doing okay now, he just seemed quiet and jumpy. He did have a pretty bad scar, but it made him look tuff. With his face not all beat up like I saw him before he was actually quite cute.

"Hey you think I could sit with you guys? I don't really want to sit with the people I came with and they won't notice I'm gone, there's too many of them," I laughed.

"Sure!" Pony said brightly and we all walked over to our seats. I sat by johnny and we talked during the whole movie. It was a little bit awkward at first, but once we worked around that we realized we had a lot in common.

By the end of the night Dallas had somehow set us up on a date next Friday and that certainly wasn't our last date.

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