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"no no no, darry you have it all wrong!" pony yelled,"i'm not five anymore i'm this many!" he held up seven fingers.

"put one down pony!" mrs. curtis yelled from across the kitchen making everyone except pony laugh, he just hugged and crossed his arms.

"hey don't worry pony! i'm that many, you got my age right!" i encouraged him while hugging him.

"ew cooties!" two-bit yelled.

"shut it two-butt!" dally grumbled.

we all gasped. "dally, don't say that word," johnny whispered. mr. curtis laughed from the living room.

"yeah that's not nice, i'm eight years old and i can't even say... that." steve said while soda was giving him a piggy back ride.

"hey! get off my soda," i scolded steve.

"he's not your soda! tell her that he's not her soda, darry," steve whined hopping off of soda's back and onto the couch.

darry's voice was cracking lately due to puberty but he successfully said,"he's not your soda," without any voice cracks.

"yeah, cause he's mine!" pony yelled trying to jump up on sodas back but failing because soda was so much taller than him.

"c'mon kids, your all going to miss the bus," mrs. curtis said ushering is out of the door.

"bye mom!" we all said. we all called her mom, because she was the one who loved us and took care of us more than our own mothers.

on the bus i sat next to johnny. "johnny your cute," i said blushing. he blushed a little bit to,"t-thanks."

two-bit jumped from the seat behind us and pushed his way in between us. i ended up falling out of the seat and the bus driver yelled at me for being in the aisle. i got really embarrassing and i wanted to cry because all the attention was on me.

"hey, don't yell at her! i'm the one who pulled her out of her seat," dally yelled back taking the blame for something he didn't do. he got another referral to the school for misconduct on the bus. he didn't mind, he just didn't want me to get yelled at.

dally was about two years older than me and he seemed so much cooler and mature to me than he really was. me and johnny basically worshiped him.

when we got to school we all walked to our classes. pony, darry and me were the only ones who didn't a gang member in our class. this made me sad, because i didn't have any other friends but them.

i had lunch with soda, steve and johnny though. and if anyone picked on me before lunch you better believe that they were getting confronted by my personal body guards.

on the ride home i sat by soda,"soda your cute."
"thanks kid," he said not blushing at all, unlike johnny.

i made sure to tell all my greasers boys that they were cute daily, because they were. some of them took it better than others.

when we got home mrs. curtis took us all to the park and we played for hours. these were the days that i loved. the days that i never wanted to fade away.

(a/n: wow that was actually reeaaaaally bad lol)

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