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i was laying on top of my boyfriend, ponyboy, while we watched a comedy movie. neither of us were really laughing though. i'm not sure why he wasn't laughing, but i knew why i wasn't. i had my mind somewhere else.

i had my mind on kissing him. i knew pony had already had his first kiss before, but i hadn't. i wanted it to be special, like the kisses you see in the movies. the ones where their dancing in the rain, or where they kiss before they have to run away together because their love is forbidden.

the forbidden love was similar to me and pony. my parents didn't approve of our relationship, but they said they weren't going to stop me. they just didn't see him the way i did, they saw him as a hoodlum. they saw him like dallas winston, who they knew all to well.

my dad was a cop and he had been the one to throw dally in the slammer many of times. and with pony being in the same gang as dally they were a little bit skeptical of me dating him, they didn't trust him with me as much as they should.

a laugh from pony snapped me from my thoughts,"did you see that?"

i shook my head,"to busy overthinking."

"been there done that," he chuckled,"want me  to turn the tv off so you can think in peace?"

i thought about it and i nodded my head. he grabbed the remote and clicked the button to turn tv off. "what do you wanna do?" he asked.

i lifted my head off of his chest and looked into his eyes. he closed his eyes and leaned in.  i knew i couldn't kiss him right now. i always got worked up when i thought about kissing someone. it had to be perfect, special.

"pony," i whispered. he opened his eyes and frowned,"i can't kiss you."

"i don't want to pressure you, but why not?" he questioned. his kindness and respect made my heart melt. the fact that he didn't want to pressure me into something as silly as a first kiss made me see right then that i loved him.

"no no, i want to kiss you," i sat up and looked at the wall across from me,"it's just- i want it to be special you know? like in the romance movies, it always seems so-"

"romantic?" he laughed cutting me off. i smiled and looked at him.

"yeah," i agreed.

"well, what do you want your first kiss to be like," he asked intertwining his fingers with his.

i shrugged and stood up,"maybe with music in the background." i turned the dial on the radio up and elvis poured through the living room.

pulled him off the couch by his hands and i placed them around my waist. i wrapped my arms around his neck. "maybe slow dancing."

he smirked and twirled me around then wrapped me back up in his arms. "and then what?" he asked.

"seems romantic enough, i think," i whispered. i knew i was ready now, because our faces had gotten closer together, without me thinking.

he kissed me and my hand found it's way to his hair, deepening the kiss. he had me slightly leaned back, holding me in a slight dip position. i had my other hand on his chest.

a beatles song came on and i pulled away from the kiss,"this is my favorite song!"

he laughed at me and exclaimed,"then let's dance!"

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