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I heard the faint ringing of the house phone.  I groaned and got out of bed and shuffled out of my room. I took the phone of the hook and held it up to my ear.

"Hello? Who do you think you are calling me at-" I paused to looked at the clock. "Three in the morning?"

"I'm sorry doll," the person in the other end said before bursting into a coughing fit.

"Dal?" I asked. I felt bad for getting short with him, I was just tired.

"Yeah," he croaked.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked concerned.  I sat down at the kitchen table, luckily the cord stretched that far.

"I think I'm sick," he said with reluctance.

"Yeah, you sure sound sick babe. You want me to come over and take care of you?" I really hoped he would say yes because when dally was sick he was really cuddly and needy. It was just the cutest thing ever.

"Do you mind doll?" He asked in between coughs.

"Nah, I'll be there in a little bit!" I exclaimed before hanging up and grabbing my car keys. I headed over to bucks.

I walked up the stairs and unlocked The door to Dally's room. He had given me a key a while ago, just Incase I ever needed him or a place to stay.

He was sprawled out on his bed and light snores were escaping his lips. His hair was ruffled and the tip of his nose was tainted pink.

I set my keys down on the coffee table and then sat down next to him. He was sweaty, but shivering. I half smiled and gently brushed my fingers through his hair.

He mumbled something in his sleep. He was just to cute, and he was all mine. I kissed his forehead and gasped at how warm he felt.

I needed to take his temperature and I would have to wake him up for that. I didn't want to, but I guess I needed to.

"Dal," I whispered gently squeezing his hand.

He grunted and his eyes fluttered open. A smile graced his lips when he saw me.

"My sexy nurse," he smirked. Classic dal.

"Yeah yeah," I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Your sexy nurse has to take your temperature."

He nodded and coughed. It's a good thing he coughed away from my face because if he coughed on me I would've scolded him.

I took his temp.


"Oh dallas," I pressed my hand to his forehead, just to make sure that it wasn't a fluke.

"I'll be fine doll. Just a cold," he assured me.

I nodded and he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me down next to him. He rolled on top of me. We were laying stomach to stomach, and I was trapped.

"Can you rub circles on my back?" He asked lifting his head to look at my face.

I nodded and he laid his head back down on my chest. I kissed the top of his head before tracing patterns on his bare back.

He quickly fell asleep again, I did too soon after.

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