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i was listening the gang joke around as i set my glass of water down. i called them all and scheduled a dinner so that i could tell them all something.

i was pregnant.

nobody knew except me and i wanted to tell them all at once so that i could see their reaction.

me and johnny are grown and married.  we have our own house together and we've talked about kids but never actually tried on purpose... if you get what i'm saying.

i cooked dinner and we were all sitting and eating when the realization of what i had to tell them sunk in.

i was laughing at something two-bit said then my face dropped. johnny gave me a funny look and set his hand on my leg,"you okay?"

i nodded and gave a forced smile. maybe i shouldn't tell the whole gang, maybe just johnny first. it was too late now, they were all here and they knew something was up with me.

i knew that i was being silly, the gang would be happy that i was pregnant. i had grown up with them and they always supported me and i'd be damned if they didn't now.

"is something wrong with you kid, you seem tired," darry asked looking at me from across the table.

"she's probably pregnant," steve joked. johnny choked on his green bean then tried to play it off as a coughing fit. soda kicked steve  in the shins under the table.

"ow! hey i'm just joking!  but it's not like she's denying it," steve said

i nervously grabbed my water and took a long drink of it. the gang stared at me as a smile formed on my lips.

i looked at johnny who's eyes were wide and he was white as a ghost,"are you?"

my smirk stretched into a big smiled set my water down and  i nodded, i laughed,"way to steal my thunder steve!"

johnny stood up quickly and pulled me up with him, he hugged me and kissed me. the gang was whooping and cheering behind us.

"oh my god! WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY GREASER!" two-bit yelled stealing me away from johnny and hugging me.

i started laughing at all of them while johnny was softly crying, dally patted his shoulder and gave him a hug,"congrats, man."

dally had a small smirk on his face and i poked his cheek and said,"oh come on dall i know your happy about a baby. don't deny it."

he smiled and nodded, defeated,"okay fine come here." he gave me and johnny both a hug at the same time.

"you!" i said to steve,"stop running your mouth!" i playfully punched him in the stomach and he apologized while wearing a huge grin.

that night was full of tears and laughter.

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