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"hey are you two coming to the end of the year party?" a random person asked me and pony. he almost dropped the book he was reaching in his locker for on my head. luckily i caught it before it hit me.

"yeah sure," i coolly rucked the book under my arm,"when is it."

"tonight at ten, cherry place," the guy said and then he walked away.

"did we just-"

"get invited to a cool kid party?" i interrupted," yes. yes we did."

i handed his book and he kissed me in thanks. "are we going?" he asked.

i shrugged,"why not. sounds fun. plus who knows, maybe we'll get drunk."

i let out a loud gasp before exclaiming," what if i find a boyfriend!"

"hey!" he frowned," i'm your boyfriend!"

i stuck my youngest out at him and placedmy hands over my ears," lalalallalala i cant hear youuuuuu!"

"whatever, i'll just find a girlfriend at the party," he joked. i gasped again.

"you wouldn't dareeeee!"

"hey- woah," pony breathed as i got into his truck.

"hey pone, my eyes are up here," i laughed.

he joined in the laughter and he leaned over and gave me a kiss before explaining the lie he made up to get out of the house.

"so basically we just have to do some kind of math tonight and i technically won't be lying to him," pony shrugged. a smirk was forming on his lips, he thought he was so sly.

"oh, i gotta equation," i grinned as he pulled up to the party," you+me+a few shots= a good time."

"oh no, uh uh," he shook his head and put the truck in park," i'm not letting you drink."

"eh, i'll sneak some anyways," i winked at him and got out of the truck.

"like hell you will," pony grumbled.

he didn't like when i drank, because i got really sloppy and i couldn't tell him from anyone else who somewhat looked like him. last time i got drunk i thought that he was steve. it's a good thing steve told me he wasn't pony.

pony wasn't mad at me for that, he knew i didn't know any better. he just didn't want me to end up almost or fully making out with a guy who i thought was him again.

but he couldn't stop me tonight, i wanted to have fun. and if i stayed by him i couldn't get into any trouble right?

well after a drink i felt minimally drunk. as for pony, he was getting completely wasted. he had chugged a lot of a lot of alcohol by now and we had only been here for an hour.

"i love you so much reagan," he slurred while slinging his arm around me and kissing me sloppily.

"i love you too pony, but how many drinks have you had?" i asked pushing his hair back into place. he spent so long greasing his hair and little strands were falling out of place, while he danced around.

"too many," he sighed,"i feel drunk."

"you are VERY drunk pony, do you wanna go home?" i asked kissing his forehead.

"home! i cant go home! darry will murder me," his eyes grew wide and he laid his head on my shoulder while hugging me.

"okay, well, we could go to the lot. maybe johnny is there and you can stay with him," i offered.

he shook his head and sniffled," i just wanna stay with you."

"are you crying pony?" i asked and he lofted his head from my shoulder and wiped his eyes.


i laughed and kissed him gently before dragging him out of the house. he was lucky my  dad was on a business trip and my mom was at her moms house. in other words, we were alone.

"can you call darry," pony asked as we walked to the truck, he was now feeling sick from the drinks.

"what do i tell him? he can't know your drunk!" i asked him.

we were in front of the truck and he started to answer but he had to lean over to throw up in a bush.

"oh, pony," i put my hand in his back and rubbed it gently. he finished throwing up and he apologized.

"it's okay, i just need your keys there's no way your driving," i told him. he nodded sluggishly and dug his keys out of his pocket.

"here," he handed them to me and i helped him get in the truck without falling or throwing up again.

by the time i got home he was crying again. i was a sloppy drunk and pony was a emotional drunk.

"pony? are you okay?" i asked. i was trying not to laugh at him, the fact that he looked genuinely heartbroken made it easy.

he nodded and wiped his eyes with his jacket sleeve. "yeah, let's go inside," he muttered opening the door and slowly getting out of the truck.

"it's a good thing my house doesn't have stairs huh?" i asked draping his arm over my shoulder and practically dragging him inside my house.

"mmhmmm," he grumbled in response.

i laid him down on my bed and left to go call darry. i had come up with a lie to tell him, even though i hated lying to darry.

"hello?" a voice that didn't belong to darry picked up the phone.

"hey, soda?" i asked.

"yeah, is this reagan?" he asked.

"yeah, it is. hey pony fell asleep so he-"

"he's drunk isn't he? don't worry i'll cover for him with darry, just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." he cut me off.

"yeah, he's pretty wasted, thanks soda," i laughed.

"don't mention it," he laughed in return,"just make sure to let me know all the embarrassing things he does."

"oh for sure," i joked before we both hung up.

i walked to my bedroom and climbed into bed with pony. he was out like a light and lightly snoring.

i kissed him gently and wrapped his arms around me. i cuddled into him and in his sleep he tightened his arms around me.

i kissed him one last time before drifting off to sleep.

the outsiders oneshots BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now