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my best friend johnny cade has been doing these stupid dates that dallas would give him lately. he went from asking random girls out to breaking all sorts of laws. it was getting out of control and i intended on telling him so.

i walking to the lot think of what i would say to him and once i got there i saw him laughing and talking to dally. dally saw me then looked back at johnny. "there she is," dally said patting his arm real quick then winking at him before leaving.

i just stopped and watched him leave. johnny turned and looked at me smiling,"hey!" he saw the expression on my face and he asked ,"what's wrong?"

i walked over and sat next to him on the car seat,"you haven't been yourself lately johnny. you've been breaking all these rules. it's not the sweet and kind johnny cade that i'm best friends with."

he nodded along and smiled. it was obvious he wasn't listening. "should i go jump off a bridge?" i asked testing to see if he was listening. he nodded, that just proved that he wasn't listening.

i stared at the fire that he had burning. if i asked the johnny i knew if i should go jump off a bridge he would think that i was upset, or hurt. he would talk me through it and stay the night with me so that he knew i was safe.

"johnny listen to me okay?" i started again,"you better shape up. if you don't, you won't see me anymore. ill disappear from yo-" i was cut of by him grabbing my butt and squeezing it.

i slapped him across the face a lot harder than i meant to, as a reflex. i gasped and my hands immediately went to my mouth. johnny's eyes were wide and he still had his head turned in the direction i had slapped him.

if this was any other greaser i wouldn't feel bad at all, but this was johnny. the same johnny who has gotten this same kind of abuse from his parents his whole life. the same johnny that i loved and thought i would've never hit him, even if he did deserve it.

"johnny," i said,"i'm sorry. i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." i felt like scum saying that, because he had told me once that's what his parents used to say to him.

"i-i-i know," he whispered. he was shaking and avoiding eye contact with me,"i-it was a d-dare again."

i could see a red hand print forming in his cheek and tears pooling in his eyes. i would be lying if i said i didn't have tears in my eyes too.
i couldn't ever forgive myself for what i just did, and i think that johnny couldn't either.

"johnny, i cant believe i did that i just, it was just a reflex i guess. i slap the socs across the face when they grab me, i guess i just-"

johnny cut me off,"you d-don't have to be sorry,it was my fault. i shouldn't grabbed you like that without your permission."

i put my hand on his and made him look at me. i stared into his eyes for awhile and he stared into mine. i knew that he was reminded of his parents right now because he kept stuttering when he had talked.

a tear slipped from my eyes and fell in my lap. "don't cry,please," johnny begged,"i'm okay. really. i promise i'm okay."

"no no johnny, your not, don't lie to me. just promise me, promise me, please that you'll stop taking those dates from dallas. your not him johnny, your smarter than that," i said my hand still gently on his cheek.

he nodded and promised me. i started crying when i saw the hurt in his eyes again. he frowned and pulled me into his chest.

"i'm fine babe, please stop beating yourself up about it. i deserves it, i always do," he said stroking my hair.

"you do not johnny. you don't deserve it, not even from me. please get mad at me it will make me feel better," i cried into his chest.

he looked down at me while i held onto him and he said,"i cant be mad at you. in all my life i've never been mad at you, i love you too much."

i let out another sob into his chest. i felt horrible that i was crying when he was the one who got hit. i should be there for him, not him there for me.

he grabbed my hand and held it in his. he was always abnormally warm, and it was comforting.

"johnny?" i breathed.

he grunted in response.

"i love you too," i whispered pulling away from his chest and looking up at him.

he smirked and leaned forward placing his lips on mine. and right then i knew that he was right, he couldn't be mad at me. and he had already forgave me.

he forgave me because he loves me.

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