Chapter 201 Steps Back

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I had to add a new story so i could add the rest. It only goes up to 200 chapters. So the rest will be here. Enjoy Please Comment and vote. 

Chapter 201 Steps Back.

Yuki Knew. Kaname was right. She just couldn't control herself that night. She was hurt and thought she lost Zero for good. She was still scared of him in a way. It wasn't that he would physically hurt her. She knew. He never would. She hurt from him leaving. Not trusting her. She was scared it could happen again. She had to let go of that fear as she did months ago. To let things grow again. She still loved him dearly. Doing everything she could not to push him away this time. Knowing he felt bad enough. He didn't need her to make it worse. Its why she didn't tell him, why she didn't get help. Why she just laid there, drifting away. If he didn't ask. She wouldn't tell. Just like she told Kaname. There was no sense in adding more fuel to the fire. She wanted things to calm down. Things to go back to what they were. It was bad enough he was tippy toeing around her now. Mika went home. There wasn't any more lies, Or hidden secrets to share. She felt no more harm could come out. Yuki still wanted Zero and only Zero. That didn't change, even though she did feel a little different. The strong sexual urges she had. Where gone. Since the accident, They haven't made love and she had no desire to. That was extremely new. Her desire for him had always been very strong. She couldn't control herself. One touch from him and she was a goner. Now, She could sleep next to him, On top of him and felt nothing. It scared her. Was the bond broken? Was it part of the fear that was still giving her back pain? Yuki had no idea. She just knew she had to work through this. She had to make it better. Without letting Zero know.

A few hours later, Zero comes to pick Yuki up from the Cafe. "Hey, babe." Zero says walking up to Yuki. Kissing her head. "Hey. How was your day?" Yuki asks. "It was pretty good. I was very busy. What about you?" Zero asks. "It was pretty good. I had a visit from Kaname. He is leaving for a month. He is taking Rai with him. He needs some time." Yuki states. "What about Martha?" Zero inquires. "She left. After yesterdays revelations. She walked out." Yuki admits. "Well, Good for her! I am glad someone isn't putting up with his shit." Zero remarks. Yuki just looking at him. "Walking out isn't always the answer Zero. Sometimes Talking, and settling things does better." Yuki answers Not able to stop herself. Zero knowing what she is meaning. Calms himself down. "I understand that. I am just glad. She isn't going to let him walk all over her." Zero replies. "I am too. I just think they need to talk it out. He needs to make this better. He is going to regret this. She really does care."Yuki responds. "Maybe he will miss her. Enough to call and make it better. He really does need to see what he wants to do." Zero comments. "I know. He said he will call every night so I know that both of them are ok." Yuki remarks. "That's good. I know you will worry about both of them. Kaname is a big boy. He can handle himself Yuki." Zero comments. "Yea he says the same about you. But I still worry about both of you." Yuki admits. "I know babe. Are you ready to go home?" Zero asks. "Yes. To be honest Zero. I just would like to go home and go to bed. I am so tired. Can you make the kids something to eat?" Yuki replies. "Sure. Aren't you hungry?" Zero asks. "Not really. Just really tired." Yuki answers. "Ok babe. That's fine. I will get them something to eat. Is your back still hurting?" Zero asks. "A little yes. Nothing I can't handle. It will be fine." Yuki replies grabbing her purse and heading to the door.

Zero drives them home. Seeing that Yuki is just worn out. She is still pale. Paler than normal. since she is a vampire. He was always the palest one. She is almost matching him now. "Yuki do you need blood?" Zero asks while parking the car in the driveway. 'No. I'm fine. Just need sleep."She says. "Ok if you do please just ask.." Zero responds. 'I know." She says with a smile. They both walk in the front door. Yuki giving Zero a kiss on the cheek before heading upstairs to bed. Zero notices something different. The small kisses he would get all the time, are no longer. She will kiss him but not passionately. Not as often. He shrugs it off as she is tired and still healing. Walking into the kitchen getting some food for ZJ and Anna. Who will be home from school soon.

Zero makes something to eat as the kids walk in the door. They sit down to eat. The kids telling Zero about there day. After dinner, cleans up as the kids play and finish up their homework. When done he tucks in Anna. Telling ZJ not to stay up too late. Zero then goes into the bedroom. Where Yuki is still asleep. Zero is a bit worried. Hoping that she is ok. He takes his shower and gets into bed. Sliding himself close to her. Putting his arms around her. Letting her know he is there. He kisses her neck, pulling her close to him. She lightly places her hands on his, not waking or turning around. Like normal. He just holds her thinking she is still tired. So he leaves her be.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now