Chapter 203 Something is wrong.

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Review Please I love Kaname's and Zero's Chat. LOL What do you think?

Chapter 203 Something Wrong.

It's been another week. Same thing going on. Yuki spends most of the evening talking to Kaname on the phone gabbing. Nothing romantic. Just friends. Close friends confiding in each other. Knowing the other is filled with fear of something or other. They both needed to let go of. There friendship going back to before all this mess started. Kaname knowing he is just a friend and brother to her. She knows the same. This time no matter Yuki's fear, she hasn't pushed Zero away. Maybe in a sexual way. But not in any other. She is trying to keep it open. So whatever is bothering her she could set free. Trying her hardest not to let the past creep up on her and take over.

It's the next morning. Zero taking out the trash he spots Hanabusa doing the same. "Hey man. How are you?" Hanabusa asks. "Good and you?" Zero responds. "Pretty good. How are you and Yuki?" Hanabusa asks. "Good question. I mean we are ok. No fighting. No running away. But I think something is off." Zero replies. "What do you mean?"Hanabusa Responds. "It's been a month since we made love. When I try she says she is tired. That her back still hurts. We haven't been intimate. That is so rare for us. There use to be this sex bond. That would drive her mad. I am not sure if it's still there." Zero comments." Her back still hurts?" Hanabusa asks." Yes. she states her back still hurts. I thought that would have been gone. Once she drank Kaname's blood." Zero remarks. "It was. We are vampires. We don't hurt like humans. Once we get our blood filled we are fine again. It's not her back that's hurting. It's the incident itself. She hasn't let go of what happened." Hanabusa states." So its mentally? This kind of makes sense now. If she is still mad at me. She doesn't show it."Zero answers. "I don't think its mad. I think she is scared of you. Hurt from you." Hanabusa replies. "Scared? I would never do anything like that to her again. I would think she would know that." Zero responds. "Doesn't need to be that kind of Scared. You do know that brought up a lot of memories. You walking out on her. Leaving her. It's her biggest fear. No matter how strong she is Zero. When it comes to you leaving her. She isn't. She shatters like glass. I have watched it twice now. It's not a pretty scene." Hanabusa explains. 

"Damn. She never let on. She is trying not to let me see." Zero states. "You guys keep going back to the same thing. It's her fear. She doesn't want you to walk away. Get tired of it. So she is keeping it to herself. Which is making the pain more. Probably the fear more great, Why she hasn't made love to you. Scared to give herself like that to you again. You two were extremely close before this happened. She let go completely. You were happy. You're going to have to earn her trust back. She just needs to let go again." Hanabusa states. "It took her a long time to let go like that with me. It was wonderful. God those six months were the best of my whole life. We can get through this. We have gotten through worse." Zero replies. "Why don't you Bring home a meal tonight. I will keep the kids. You talk to her be with her. Try to build the bond back. Call Kaname to tell him not to call tonight. So you two can be alone. " Hanabusa suggests. "That sounds great. I think I will. Thank you, Hanabusa." Zero says.

Zero heads to work thinking about what Hanabusa said. That Yuki is scared. He knows. He will have to build that up. He just wishes. She would talk to him. He really wishes none of this ever happened. That he didn't act so foolish.

Zero sits at his desk. Calling Kaname. "Hey, Sorry to bother you on vacation."Zero states. "What's wrong? Everything ok with Yuki? Kaname asks with concern. "She is fine. I just wanted to ask you. If it would be ok if you didn't call tonight. Or maybe Call her at work Now. I want to spend some time with her." Zero says."Sure. That's not a problem. What's wrong?" Kaname asks. "We are ok. We just don't spend a lot of alone time together. I want to try to build that. See if I can get her close to me again."Zero replies. "Ok. I will call her at work. So she doesn't worry. The night is yours. Good luck with your endeavors."Kaname states. "Yea I might need the luck."Zero admits. "If I may ask. Luck with what?" Kaname prys. "We haven't been intimate since that night. We aren't fighting. We just haven't made love. When I try. She says she is tried. She never did that before." Zero admits. "Has she drank from you?"Kaname asks. "No. You were the last she drank from." Zero says. "Not even that?" Kaname asks concerned." No. I offer she says. She is fine."Zero replies. "Zero. You need to talk to her. I know she is hurt from that night. Scared. But if she isn't drinking from you either. Something is wrong. Could it actually be the bond broken by the betrayal?" Kaname states. "Broken? I thought the bond would be with us always? You always said not even Death would break it. What the hell is going on?" Zero hisses. "Normally the bond doesn't break. But if she is so hurt that she feels it was an act of betrayal from you. It could've broken the bonds. She doesn't crave you anymore." Kaname states. "Oh god. I always had that on my side. It kept her stuck to me as she puts it. Without it...Will she stay? Does she now crave you?" Zero asks in a panic. "She never mentioned anything about craving me. I don't think the bond was made with me. I think we would have known that by now. You need to talk to her. She hasn't left you. Never said to me she was. Zero, in a way maybe this is a good thing. She will love you without bonds. Or as she feels being stuck to you. Wouldn't you rather make someone be with you because they wanted to? Not because they felt stuck to?" Kaname replies. 

"Yes, and No. There were many times I feel if it wasn't for the bonds. She would have left me for you. The only reason she came back to me a few times was because the bonds ate at her."Zero confesses. "Maybe the bonds aren't broken. Maybe they are just weakened. You need to talk to her. You need her to open up to you. Show her you won't flip out."Kaname suggests. "I know. I just don't want to push her." Zero responds. "She doesn't want to push you either. She doesn't want to hurt you either. Neither of you are getting anywhere. Just talk damn it. The both of you can tell me you're not having sex. But you can't tell each other? Do you see something wrong here?" Kaname comments. "I will try tonight."Zero says.

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