Chapter 252 Testing

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Chapter 252 Testing.

Yuki packs up everything, she brought for her, Zero and the kids. Just throwing the items in the suitcase and bags. Just to be able to get out of here faster. She feels she will wash and fix everything once home. She packs the car up. Everyone getting in and drives home. A feeling of relief washes over her. She just keeps smiling over to the passenger seat. Where Zero is sitting. Happy he is there. Happy he is ok. Kaname's Familiar in the back seat resting.

Yuki knew they had a long road ahead of them. That Zero would never truly be happy if this was the life he was stuck with. She knew he was active. That this would take its toll. She just had faith that in time. Things would get better. She would help him get better. Either way, she would be there for him. Never letting him go. Glad that if nothing else. He was still there with her. She still could go run to tell him things. Run to hug and kiss him. He was still alive. It was all that really mattered to her. Before they got home Yuki had a Chair slider installed on their stairs. So Zero could get up to the second floor without any help. That way he could go to bed in their bed. Trying to let it be as normal for him as she could. She also installed a bathroom downstairs. So either floor he had  use. Trying to make him as independent as she could.

Once home, the kids run into the house and Yuki helps Zero out of the car into his chair. She gets the bags. Bringing everything inside. Zero notices the stair chair as soon as he gets inside. "I guess. This is so I can go upstairs myself?" Zero asks. "Yes, I thought that would be helpful for you." Yuki states. "Yea just makes me feel like an old man who can't do anything." Zero huffs. wheeling himself into the kitchen. Yuki just looks at the wolf and shrugs.

Yuki unpacks everything washing and putting things away. Zero in his office. Working on files the association sent home with him. So he can work from home. So he doesn't get too bored. Yuki thought that was a great idea. She got to know he was safe there with her. Also, he had something to do.

Later in the afternoon, they sit down to dinner. Everything normal and quiet. Just a regular day. Yuki and Zero both happy to be back in there home. Zero tries to help Yuki with the dishes after dinner. Being with her. "Yuki tomorrow I want to do some therapy. I called Yagari. He will be coming over to help with it." Zero says. "I think that's great. If there is anything you need. Just ask." Yuki replies. "Thank you, babe. I will. I need to get myself back to what I was. This chair isn't for me."Zero responds. "I know. Just remember it may take time. But I am sure you can do it. You can do anything."Yuki remarks. "I am glad you have so much faith in me. I am going to need it."Zero comments. " I know how strong you are Zero. You can do anything."She says with a smile.

When the dishes are done, Yuki puts the smaller kids to bed. Then she helps Zero get ready for bed. Helping him get into bed. She then takes her own shower relaxing in the hot water. Just letting it run over her. Taking a deep breath. Trying to let the day and months wash over her. She gets out and heads to bed. SLiding in next to Zero. Moving over to cuddle up against him like always. He wraps his arms around her. Holding her close. Thinking to himself, I wonder if anything would happen. If he had any feelings. He figured he would give it a try. Without letting on. He was testing it out.

He slides his hands up and down Yuki's back. Pushing her closer to him. Kissing her head, and down to her neck. Which earns him a moan. He kisses her lips lightly, as his hands work there way down to Yuki's bottom. Rubbing and feeling it. She gives out more moans. "Zero, We shouldn't. You're not healed yet." Yuki says in a low voice. "I'm fine. Let me pleasure you." He replies. Moving his hand down her panties lightly stroking her center. Teasing and fingering it. Making her squirm and pant. He loves seeing her reaction, but sadly he had none. No feeling. He keeps his thoughts to himself. Not letting on what is going on. Just giving her pleasure and watching her come undone just by his hands. It gives him great satisfaction. Yet still worried about other things. He finishes up making her climax. Laying next to him. When he is done she moves her self over to him closer. Trying to put her hand down his pants. Zero stops her."It's ok." Zero says. Not wanting her to know. Nothing happened. "I can pleasure you as well." Yuki says. "It's ok. I'm fine. I just missed touching you."Zero replies. Holding her close. Her Hand in his. "You sure?" Yuki asks. "Yes. Let's go to sleep." Zero replies.

Yuki cuddles up and falls asleep. Zero just lays there thinking. I need to work on this. Tomorrow starts. This has to end. I have to go back to what I was. I need my life back. My manhood back. I will not let Victor win!

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now