Chapter 241 Tell Me.

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Chapter 241 Tell Me.

The next morning Yuki and Zero wake up in each other's arms. Yuki not really wanting to move out of bed. "It's so comfy here with you Zero. I hate to move." Yuki says. "I know. I feel the same way. I need to go to work though. It's Wednesday. We will be together anyway." Zero replies. "Gives me something to look forward to after training." Zero and Yuki get out of bed and ready for work. Heading to the Association. Zero heading to his office with Yuki right behind him. She goes over and takes over the paperwork. Getting as much done as she could before heading to the barracks for training. Not really into seeing Kaname today.

Zero heads to the box above to watch, like he always does. Bringing some files to go over. While he is waiting for them to finish. Kaname walks in and goes over to Yuki. Giving her a kiss on her head. "Everything ok?" Kaname asks. "Yea. Fine. Ready to train?" Yuki asks. "No. Not really. I want to talk to you."Kaname says. "This isn't the time." Yuki replies. "Why because Zero is here. He is always between us anyway. I have nothing to hide from him. I don't care who hears."Kaname says in a raised voice. "It's not that. I just don't have anything to say." Yuki responds. "Look. I know something is wrong. Your not yourself. Our friendship is taking a hit. I want to know why?" Kaname asks. Yuki just stands there looking at him. "Talk to me. Please."Kaname adds. "I don't know. What you want from me." Yuki comments. "I want the truth." Kaname remarks.

"Ok. Fine."Yuki says. Zero sitting up in his chair. Wanting to hear this himself. "It's been a few things bothering me lately. When you had Daiki. It bought up some old resentment. How I saw you treat Martha. How kind and there for her you were. When you left me to rot when I was carrying Ai." Yuki admits. "Yuki I know that hurt you. I can't say sorry enough. I thought we were over that?" Kaname asks. "That wasn't the only thing that got me Kaname. I know you have made up for that. I know your there for my family. Just when Zero went to talk to Nezera. He said some things that made me think. How terrible your suppose to be. It brought up what you did to me and Zero. How you used Kharis against us. How you lied to me again. It made me feel like I can't trust you. It also brought up something else." Yuki states. "What?" Kaname asks. "Did you put Morgan up to coming on to Zero?" Yuki asks coldly. "Hell no. Now come on. I know in the past I have done things. But I haven't' done anything since the Kharis incident. I learned from my mistakes. I don't want to hurt you. I treasure our friendship." Kaname states. "Look. IF I find out you had anything to do with Morgan. I will never talk to you again. I am tired of you using and hurting me. I always let you get away with it. I won't this time. I love Zero more than anything in this world. I want to be with him. Not because of any blood bond or sex bond. Because he is who I choose. If you can't except that, then we can't be friends." Yuki says bluntly.

Zero sitting there. Not able to believe, what he just heard. "Did she just tell Kaname that? Am I dreaming?" Zero says to himself."

"Yuki I know how you feel about him. I am doing my best to move on. I am sorry. You still have doubts about me. I can understand it though. I have hurt you pretty badly in the past. I just thought. I was working towards you letting that go. I hope our friendship can go back to normal." Kaname says. "As long as no lies and no putting people in between me and Zero. We will be fine. For what happened years ago. I have to let that go. It can't be fixed or changed. I just wanted you to know. That hurt. You took something away from me. I could have given to Zero. He would have appreciated it more. Not run away." Yuki remarks. "I know you're mad at me for that. But I did appreciate it. More then you know. I am sorry." Kaname comments. "Let's just move on." Yuki says.

They go on to train. While Zero is still taking in the words she said. She said. That to Kaname? He still can't believe it. He knew she was upset about him leaving her. He just didn't know about the other. That she thought he may be part of the Morgan incident. She didn't trust him. Zero never thought that this time. It was just something that happened naturally. He was just smart enough not to fall for it. He did know. Yuki could hold resentment for a long time. That when she was hurt it was hard for her to get over. This was no different. He says she wished she did things differently. That she wanted to give him more of her. Instead of giving it to Kaname.

Kaname on the other hand. Thought about what Yuki said to him all day. It took over him. He always knew. That when he left her. She resented him for it. It was a thing from when he returned. But not to trust him now hurt him. He was doing his best for her to believe in him. He was always there and doing his best. What did Nezera say to make her think? It was him. SHe normally never does that. She always picked up for him. Even when he did do it. Then maybe it was just the Kharis thing again. She hated her, and he took part in it. So she hated him for that. He figured he would try to do better. Not really knowing. How he could prove he is changing. At least with her.

He still was his cold, dark self. Just never did that with her anymore. He never pushed her away. He always regretted. What he did. That year they spent together after cross also. It was his biggest regret. If he only did things differently then. Maybe things wouldn't be like this now. Maybe she would have stayed. Too late for that now. Kaname just sits back at his desk at home. Trying to get over today's events.

"You ok babe?" Zero asks. "I'm fine." Yuki replies. "You really told him what was on your mind today."Zero replies. Sitting at home in bed."He asked me what was up. I told him. IF I find out he had anything to do with Morgan. I will never speak to him again. That shit isn't fair."Yuki reveals. "You mean for the first time ever. He would get what he deserves."Zero says. "I know what he has done. I also know that he is always there for this family. When we need him Zero. He hasn't done anything in a long time."Yuki responds. Yet, you feel he had something to do with Morgan."Zero comments. "It was just all that Nezera was saying. It made me freak out. It just reminded me of all Kaname did in the past. Something just lingering there. I had to ask. The way he said it. I did believe him." Yuki remarks. "So does this mean you two are going back to the extra closeness? Zero asks. "No. I think. We can still be friends. Just have boundaries. That way its good for us and our spouses." Yuki admits. "Sounds good. I did like you speaking back to him. Not afraid." Zero comments. "I was never afraid of him like the others. He may have done things that were stupid, but he never hurt physically. He always listens to what I have to say. I just wasn't sure, if I wanted to tell him this time how I felt. Or just let it go. Now I feel its better its out. I feel free."Yuki says. "I am glad."Zero responds. Yuki moving closer to Zero in bed. Kissing him.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now