Chapter 278 The Call

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So What are your feelings about this?

Chapter 278 The Call.

Zero is at work. Just getting in from the field. Sitting down in his chair. Getting a chance to take a breath. He has been overly busy. Doing it mainly on purpose to keep his mind busy. He had nothing else. As he is sitting at the desk. He gets a Call from Kaito. "Hey man. It's time for the weekly check-in." Kaito says. "What's new?" Zero asks. "Well, She has gotten herself a job at the local Cafe. She only works about four hours a day. I think its to get out of the house and have something to do. She always has been writing ZJ. He knows where she lives. He went to visit her. She took him out to lunch. Its the only person she has talked to since she left. She sticks to herself. She goes out at night. Taking long walks, Sitting at the park watching the people go by. She lives a very different life."Kaito states. "I am glad she let our son visit. He still needs her. It's good to see. She still cares about him. I don't mind him seeing her. I never said she had to leave." Zero answers. "She seems happy alone Zero. She goes nowhere near Kaname. She goes nowhere near anyone. Its been over a month, she has fully been gone." Kaito says. "What about the therapy?" Zero asks. "She still goes once a week. I am not sure how it's going. As I am not inside her apartment. You would have to ask Kaname. His wolf sees everything. Knows everything."Kaito answers. "Good work. Keep it up." Zero states. "Man, don't you think its time to just let go? She isn't coming home. How long do you want me to watch her?" Kaito asks. "Until I say otherwise. I need to see if there is any way I can get her back. I am not giving up just like that. I am giving her space she needs. I just fear if she breaks the bonds. I am doomed." Zero says."She left you with the bonds. It didn't stop her. I think you are wasting your time. Just move on. but I will do as you say." Kaito replies.

When Zero gets off the phone. He thinks about what Kaito said. That Kaname would know more. Its been a month since he even talked to him. WIthout Yuki and Rai. They never saw each other anymore. Martha didn't really work anymore. She was staying home with the child. redecorating. Doing all the things she wanted. Would Kaname even answer? There really was no need to talk to each other anymore. Yuki made sure. She put everything in place before she left. So that neither of them had to bother with each other ever again. They were finally free of each other. Zero thought it would have felt better than it actually did. Everything was so different. The life he would have had without Yuki. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Zero takes a chance and gives him a Call. "Hey, Kaname. Sorry to bother you." Zero says. "No problem. Have you heard from her?" Kaname says desperately. "No. She hasn't come near me since she left. How about you?" Zero asks. "No, no calls, no nothing. I only see through the wolf. Who she has told, me through him. NOT to appear in any way or she would give him back." Kaname admits. "Really? But weren't you two friends? When she left?" Zero asks. "We were. CLose ones too. She just wants free."Kaname states. "I need to ask you something. I know you don't owe me anything. But did the therapy work? Is she over me?" Zero asks. Nervous to hear the response. "Well to be honest. From what I saw. The blood blond has been curbed. It worked for that. For the sex bond. Not so much. You two did have sex before she left didn't you?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I was trying to make her stay. Trying to use it against her. Like she always told me." Zero admits. "Well, it's still there. The therapist couldn't seem to remove it. So she did it in a different way. When she goes to sleep to keep her body at peace, she remembers your last night together. Holding the pillow close. Thinking it's you. She is still making love to you in her dreams." Kaname admits."Really? So it sorta worked? There is still hope?" Zero asks. "She is trying to curb that as well. The therapist said this way, she won't be craving you. She won't be in pain. So you are sorta still there with her. She is trying hard to let go of you." Kaname replies. "I really messed up this time. I just never thought. She wouldn't forgive me. I was so use to her always doing so." Zero responds. "I didn't see this coming. She was so in love with you. She saw nothing else. I do know. She was so hurt. Why don't you come for dinner tonight?" Kaname asks. "Are you sure?" Zero responds. "Yes. You can see Rai, I can see ZJ and Anna. Martha would love to see you also and the baby. You wouldn't believe how big he has gotten. Plus you can see the new place." Kaname states. "The new place?" Zero asks. "Yea Martha redid it all. It's like I live in a new house. It's taking a lot to get used to. I lost her and everything that went with her." Kaname says. "It's no better living in a house that is filled with her. Everywhere you turn."Zero admits. "I Guess. We are a pair?" Kaname chuckles. "I guess. I will come for dinner. It sounds good. I need to get out of that house anyway. Work is no better." Zero states. "I will see you tonight." Kaname answers.

Kaname sends a car to Hanabusa's to pick the kids up. So Zero doesn't have to make a special trip. Zero than heads to Kaname's after work. Traveling the same road, he did so many times. Going past the Cafe. Which is still extremely busy. How he remembers picking Yuki up every night. Going home together. Making love in the Cafe. All the old memories just rush through his mind. Taking over him. He sits in the car trying to gather himself. The strong vampire hunter, Crumbling piece by piece. His heartbroken. He can't believe it has come to this.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now