Chapter 307 The End

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Ok, last chapter. I have to say. I am sad to see this end. I grew attached to the characters. If you guys want to see a part 2 of this just let me know I am sure I can continue. I left a few things that I could pick up on if I needed to :))) Thank you all for reading. Thank you for your reviews. I dd start another story. If you would like to read. That one is in full swing :)

Chapter 307 The End.

Years go by Zero and Yuki built up there Agency together Along with Hanabusa. Who remains there best friend. They stay far away from the past. Never seeing Kaname, Martha, Yagari or any of them. Their life is totally different now. Zero and Yuki are happy and very much in love. Having the relationship they always wanted. Anna is older now and will be moving out soon. But she decided she wants to work at the Agency. Yuki even found herself Pregnant again. When they least excepted it. Not even trying. Really never thought it would happen. Yuki was over the moon, and so was Zero. Yuki trusts Zero with her life. Giving her full self to him. Not ever bringing up the past. Any of it. Kharis finally staying in the past where she belongs. And the Same with Kaname. They love there new life and their new home. The people they meet now are different than before. They know them for just being Zero and Yuki. Not the vampire hunter Zero and lady Pureblood Yuki. They do there best to keep that hidden and in the past. Not wanting anyone to know their true background. Zero is the head of the agency, Having detectives work under him.

Hanabusa is lead in the lab having others work under him. He is doing really well and moving on. He even found a lab geek name, Sara. Who finds Hanabusa just lovely. They spend a lot of time together. It might not be Yori, but it's nice. Hanabusa knows that Yori would want him to move on. She told him to. Not to waste away for her. She wanted him happy. Finally, he is.

Yuki works right with Zero. They spend as much time together as they can. Never tiring of each other. Just enjoying their life. Zero has grown and learned to keep his mouth shut. He finds himself not really needing to flip out these days. As they live a regular life. Kaname isn't even a mere thought. He is the happiest he has ever been. His life full and alive. Better than even when they first started. There love and bond stronger than ever.

Aiko and Nereza are still married just never having any children. They made a promise to each other never to do that. Not knowing what the child may be. Ai is still in charge of Cross. She works with her father to bring peace. To keep it between Humans and Vampires. She is very close to him. Ai has her suspicions about her father's second son. She can smell the pureblood all over him. Not to mention it's like looking into the mirror. She keeps her suspicions to herself. Knowing it wouldn't do anyone any good. In saying anything. Her mother never visits or comes to Cross. She just talks to her on the phone. Ai feels its best her mother never knew what her father had done.

Ren and Yoshiko are still happily married. They are excepting there first child. Yuki calls Ren all the time. Making sure he is doing well. He will always be her second love.

ZJ is the split image of his father. He grew into a gorgeous man. Not into getting married or a family just yet. Spending most of his time working at the Association. He has built his way up and is a big name there now. Along with his siblings and Uncle. He visits his mother and father all the time. Going to there new location. Just keeping it to himself. He will take Rai with him. They are the two they see a lot of. Rai is working alongside his father Kaname. He also helps with Cross and wants to live there. He likes his sister Ai a lot. They are very close. He wasn't very happy with all that happened. WIth his mother and father. Zero running away with his mother. There just wasn't anything he could do.

Martha and Kaname's so-called son is getting big also. Martha never had another child. Feeling that Kaname might play the same trick he did the first time. Not wanting to have any more of Yuki's children. She still keeps that secret. Spending more and more of Kaname's money. To fill the sadness she feels. Even though Yuki isn't there in person. She is in spirit. Kaname treats her very well. He doesn't mention Yuki. But Martha can sense he thinks of her often. Knowing that the dumb wolf is still living with her. That pisses her off more. Not to mention she knows after all these years. Zero let it stay. Not getting involved with it. For some reason. Zero didn't care. Zero and Kaname left on neutral grounds. Being friendly to each other. In a way they were family. They knew each other all these years. Always going to the others aid when needed. Kaname still taking care of Zero's children that were left behind. He saw them daily. They loved him as Uncle Kaname. They always have. He would do anything for them. No matter what it was. If nothing Kaname got a large family out of this. Martha always surrounded by Yuki's children. A piece of her there always.

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