Chapter 227 lifted

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Review Please. What do you think so far? Thought I would give them a little peace...For now...anyway.. LOL

Chapter 227 Lifted

The Next Morning. Zero and Yuki are laying in bed. Just getting up. They got in late last night as they stayed to the bitter end of the Ball. They were free to enjoy themselves to be who they really are. They let it go. Not really seeing anyone else there just each other. They spend the whole night in each other's arms. Giving each other a lot of attention and love. Zero even noticed. That Yuki didn't spend much time with Kaname at all last night. That she finally only saw him. He hoped this was a new beginning. There Lovemaking was back. The want and desire for the other stronger than ever. Zero was glad that was back. He missed the closeness. It was back to the six months when they had a wonderful life together. Zero just hoped it stayed this way. That nothing got in the way. He lays in bed looking at her as she just starts to wake. Moving her body even closer to his. Her arms wrapped around him.

"It's morning babe. We need to get up. It's Wednesday. Training day. Not to mention I have a lot of paperwork for you to do." Zero says. "Hmm, Training day. All I seem to think about is what I get after I train. To be close to you. You will be there right?"Yuki asks. " Of Course. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I look forward to it also. To be honest, I can't wait for Kaname to leave, so we can be together."Zero replies. "Is it bad if I feel the same?" Yuki admits. "No. I am glad to hear it. I wasn't sure. How this training was going to go. I thought at first it might bring you two closer. I now see it actually brought us closer." Zero states. "Zero, I am not sure what it is. But since we are able to be ourselves I feel so different. I feel so free Zero. This is what it was supposed to be all this time. Instead of pretending. Instead of being thrown to Kaname. Maybe now we can just be ourselves." Yuki admits. "Really? Do you still have feelings for him?" Zero asks. "Not, like you think. Last night at the ball. I was happy to see him but there wasn't this need to be around him. I wanted to be with you. I forgot all about him at times. I was so happy being able to kiss and touch you. Dance like I wanted to with you for so long. I hope this stays." Yuki states. "I guess. We will see today at training. I hope this stays as well." Zero replies. Glad to hear that admission. Truly hoping that it stays like this.

They Both get up and dressed. Yuki all over Zero. Kissing and hugging him. They barely get out the door. Zero having no complaints. She holds his hand all the way to work. Looking at him and smiling. They go to his office where she starts the paperwork. Now free to do as she pleases. Every now and then she will kiss him. Not caring who sees. Not caring if anyone walks in. He sees a huge difference in her. She is so happy and alive. Like when they were at Cross. Her warm bubbly self. She gets done the paperwork and goes off to get some lunch for them both. Now not having to hide in the office. When she comes. They go off to the lunch room. Getting their lunch. Sitting at a table. Yuki here and there touching his hand. Being her normal self. His co-workers now all knowing. Yuki is Zero's wife. The announcement went through town like wildfire. They just stare at them both. The Vampire Hunter and Pureblood. They pay no attention. This time Yuki doesn't care. What they say. She knows that her and Zero have been married for over 40 years. Nothing could change that. Granted some of those years were hard, and they spent apart but when it came down to it. They never signed the papers. They held on.

While eating lunch, Zero spots the daily newspaper. He sees the four of them splattered all over the front page.

BIG NEWS! Both The King and Queen Are with Vampire Hunters! Read all about it page six. It looks like The purebloods just can't seem to stay away from there Hunters. It was confirmed last night that. Kaname is dating Martha. Not to mention the biggest news of all. Yuki is married to Zero. We all thought that was over? Zero being with Kharis? Guess Yuki took back her man! Let's see how long it goes on for this time! We will keep you posted.

"How long it's going to last this time?" Yuki says. "Really?" She adds. "How about forever?" Zero replies. They both smile at each other.

After lunch, they go back to Zero's office. Knowing that Kaname will be here shortly. It's training day. Zero doesn't go on the field on Wednesdays. Due to Yuki being there. He stays there to be with her. First, it was to watch the training to make sure Kaname stayed in his lane. Now it was just to be with her. To have their little fun after the training. It was something they both looked forward to. They made love a lot of places. It just seems here was the most fun.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now