Chapter 266 Oh Shit.

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Chapter 266 Oh shit.

A few more weeks go by. Zero is in his office talking to Yagari with the door open. "So how have things been?" Yagari asks?" Very well. Things went back to normal. We have been getting along great. Like before what happened."You know. You were A fool for lying and doing what you did." Yagari states. "I know. I just wanted to know if she would go to Kaname. If he would still be a problem. I wanted to know if she would cheat on me." Zero replies. "I think it was foolish. You just wasted good time. She really loves you. She wants you. You don't know how lucky you are." Yagari answers. "I do. Holding back the sex was just something I felt I needed to do." Zero responds. Both men turning around. To see Yuki behind them. Just looking at Zero.

Zero closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Yuki I didn't know you were coming here today." Zero says. Yuki just staring at him. Not answering. "Zero I will be going. Give you two some alone time." Yagari says walking out the time Closing it behind him."

"Yuki, please. I am not sure what you heard." Zero states "Enough. How could you? You lied to me. You made me feel our relationship as we knew it was over. You pushed me away on purpose. If you didn't want me. You should have just said so. Not play games with me." Yuki hisses. "That wasn't why I did it. I just needed to know if you were going to be true to me." Zero answers. "True? I never cheated on you Zero. When I was with Kaname you left me. I was free to be with whoever. I wanted to be with. I didn't play any games. You were the one chasing me." Yuki says. "I know. It's just I needed to know if I couldn't make love if you would stay." Zero states. "You thought because of that? I would leave you? That I wanted to give what we had up? You were the one to do that. Not me. What made you give in? Was that a pitty Fuck?" Yuki shouts. "Yuki how could you say that. I love you. I love making love to you." Zero comments. "Really? Sleeping next to me for months. Not touching me. Where was the bond then? That you couldn't keep your hands off me? I was laying there feeling down and alone. So alone. You pushed me away in every way to be close to you. Even in talking to me. You let me lay there and suffer. For what?"Yuki snaps. "I know it was dumb. I am sorry." Sorry doesn't cut it. I did nothing to deserve this. 

Nothing to show you I would cheat. Or even wanted Kaname. Do you want me to go screw him? Is that what you're after? I can go right now. I am sure he would go along with it. Martha might not like it though." Yuki shouts louder. "Please, Yuki don't say those things. I don't want that. The thought just kills me." Zero replies. "You have a really bad way of showing it. I know you been through a lot. I have tried my best to be by your side. To give you space. Or whatever you needed. And it still wasn't good enough for you. I don't know what you want from me? At this moment, I don't even care." Yuki states

"Please, I know you're mad at me. I know. I deserve everything your saying. But I do love you. I want to be with you. I just did a dumb thing. " Zero comments. "You always do dumb things. I'm always forgiving you for something. You almost broke me into. And I said I deserved it. Even though I did nothing. You came home and wanted to attack me at that time. Not even hearing or believing what I was saying to you. I can't keep going through this. I am tired."Yuki answers. "I Know. That was awful. I overreact. You know that is how I am. You always accepted it." Zero comments. "Maybe that's the problem. I always make excuses. I always let you get away with it. Saying its just Zero. You know what. You need to be like the rest of us. And think before you act. Before you hurt people." Yuki answers. "I am going back to the Cafe. Don't pick me up. I'm not coming home tonight. I will stay there." Yuki adds. "The Cafe is rented out. Where will you sleep?" Zero asks. "In the office, it has a sofa. I will be fine. I need some space. Some air." Yuki says walking out of the office. Not even waiting for Zero to respond.

Zero knows she is hurt. He saw a coldness in her, he hasn't seen in a long time. He knows he screwed up. That she was right. He also knew anything after this that would take place was his own fault. Just like Yagair told him. He just hoped that he didn't ruin it forever. That she would get over it. Like she always did.

Vampire Knight The Start of love. Yuki X Zero. PART 2 (#Watty2019)Where stories live. Discover now